Few Weeks After || Chapter 112

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'Hi😋' ~ Thunder.


Lucas' POV:

     It's been a few weeks and luckily Lyla for the most part has returned back to her feisty beautiful self. After the incident with Ryan I had convinced her to go to therapy to cope which, though she objected to it at first, she's agreed various times that it was one of the best decisions she's made which in return just made me happy.

     She was due to be on school campus for college really soon which though the thought saddened me it also gave me happiness that she was growing. Currently as Lyla showered I sat on the edge of the bed staring down at the small black velvet box in my hands. Opening it up my eyes stared down at a beautiful diamond ring I had help from Lorenzo and Estrella picking out. Of course I also called Lyla's girlfriends to make sure it was something she'll like. My knowledge of her ran deep but Lyla never really acknowledged diamonds or hinted at marriage.

     What if she said no? What if I scare her away whenever I decide to ask? I should wait right?

     Before my mind could go deeper into its doubts I heard the shower shut off which made me immediately close the box and place it in the nightstand drawer before Lyla could exit the bathroom. It's been a few crazy weeks honestly and I was just happy things were going back to normal.

     Ryan was sent to a psychiatric ward due to his crazy behavior. I wish I would of killed the bastard; especially after Lyla had forwarded the information of finding soiled underwear in our closet. Thankfully we won't be hearing from him again..hopefully. Lyla and I were back home and it honestly felt good to sleep in our own bed again. It's also been a relief that Lyla felt safer and relaxed with Ryan gone.

     The image of Lyla walking by in a towel with droplets of water dripping down her arms completely hypnotized me. Lyla glanced my way and smiled before entering the closet. It's insane how wrapped around her finger Lyla had me..and she didn't even know it.

"Are we taking your car or mines?" Lyla asked as she came out of the closet adjusting her breast in the bra of her choosing before coming to me to clip it on.

"We can take mines." After clipping her bra I smacked her ass as she walked away causing her to giggle. God she was so beautiful.

     Lyla came out and was dressed in a black pleated skirt—extremely short might I add—with a tight sheer top which thank the lords she was wearing a bra. Lyla was going out with the girls due to them leaving tomorrow and wanting to spend time together one last time before their college adventures.

     Lyla invited me since she was planning on getting batshit drunk and didn't want to be responsible in controlling her drinking to be able to drive. Staring at her skirt for a bit I noticed one little wind and Lyla's ass was out on display. I'm no better than any other man, I was eyeing her with hunger, if we honestly don't leave soon we're definitely not going to make it.

"Are you ready?" Lyla asked eyeing me as she placed her earrings on then grabbed her heels. I questioned mentally when she had time to do her makeup but the thoughts disappeared just as quickly when Lyla called for me.

"I've been ready baby." I smiled going up to her and giving her a kiss. The ring on her finger glistened and I just loved that from the moment I've gifted her that promise ring she's rarely taken it off, the feeling of asking her to be my wife in the foreseeable future was nerve wrecking.

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