He Follows || Chapter 117

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'We all need someone who'll risk it all for us.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

After Luca disappeared upstairs I started cleaning up the house just to give him some space to cool off. Throwing the sheets from the guest bedroom to wash I followed my movements up with going to Luca's office. The door was closed so after a soft knock I slowly opened it to see Luca sitting down in his chair seeming so out of it.

His head was thrown back onto the chair and the bottle he took earlier was empty. Slowly closing the door I made my way towards him and sat down on his desk right before him. Luca looked up and I could tell he was on the verge of tears which was why a soft smile formed on my lips as I opened my arms for him.

Luca pulled his chair closer to the desk and hugged me tightly as he buried his face into my chest. I slightly squeezed him reassuring him I was there for him which caused Luca to sniff before silently crying into my chest. My heart broke for him. Luca never cried so if he actually was then I knew this whole situation affected him. What was supposed to be a happy last few days has turned into a literal nightmare.

Luca calmed down after a while but I didn't move since he was comfortable and so was I. It saddened me to see him this way knowing just how family oriented he was and how much he respected his parents. That's one of the many things I loved and respected about him, seeing how much he respected and loved his parents. I never had a stable relationship with anyone in my life nor had a family which made it so much more special to me.

"Do you want to go lay down?" I asked as I massaged his scalp. Luca nodded and I giggled when he lifted me up off the desk causing me to wrap my legs around his hips.

After going to our room we laid in bed cuddling for the rest of the day. When the following day came by Luca was once again normal as if nothing had happened. It was scary how easily he could switch his emotions off but I knew it was all a sham. Currently Luca and I were on the sofa watching a movie, I was laying down on the sofa with my head on his lap as he caressed my arm.

"Luca Grey speaking." Luca spoke professionally as he answered the phone that had started to ring.

"I'll be right back." He whispered in my ear before kissing my forehead and getting up making sure to lay my head down gently on the sofa.

After he had gone to another room I sat up trying to figure out if it was something maybe something bad. At the end of the day his father was pretty resentful when he was ready, and to top it all off Luca was speaking professionally. Pausing the movie I got up and followed the sound of Luca's voice. I stood by the door and watched as a smile formed on Luca's lips.

"Yes that'll be perfect thank you so much." He nodded as he hummed at something that was being said on the other end of the line. I stared trying to figure him out.

"Great, have a good one Mr.Abraham." Luca hung up and I was confused. Why was he speaking with Mr.Abraham.

"What was that about?" I asked with a frown to which his smile got even bigger as he came up to me and kissed me.

"Guess what?"


"I'm coming with you." My eyes widen.

"Seriously?!" He nodded at my question and I squealed in excitement as I threw my arms around him practically jumping him happily. Luca wrapped his arms around me lifting me off the floor and spinning us around.

"W-wait but how?" I asked once on my feet.

"Turns out they opened a school down there and need teachers so luckily I was able to transfer." I could feel my eyes getting teary.

The thought of not having to be miles away from him warmed me and made me feel so overwhelmed with happiness. I kissed him passionately and Luca reciprocated immediately. We made sweet love right after sealing my happiness that I won't have to live without him. Revolving your life around someone and making them your center wasn't really healthy but in my case Luca has been the healthiest thing to ever happen to my miserable life.

Luca's phone rang again but this time it was Lorenzo apologizing for what happened yesterday. Luca forgave him seeing as how he didn't do anything wrong. Everything was just falling into place.

"We should probably start packing.." Luca spoke as he kissed the top of my head causing me to smile against his bare chest.

"We should." I spoke smiling harder as I kissed his chest.

"I got a house up there a while back...it was before I found out about the position since I was truthfully ready to move wherever you did." Sitting up my eyes met his.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He just smiled.

"You know I'll never be able to stomach being far away from you Lyla." A blush crept up on my cheeks seeing just how much he wanted this to work.

"You know I love you right?" I spoke in awe as I kissed him slowly.

"Yes, and I love you just as much if not more." We kissed again.

Luca was seriously everything a woman could ever want. He placed my needs before his though I hated when he did so, he was family oriented yet didn't hesitate to tell his family off when they disrespected me, he protected me no matter what, he risked everything for me and has taken the time to show me true love, this man has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I've longed for this sort of affection and I'm happy I finally got it.

"I can't wait to marry you.." I admitted starting to get teary eyed. The smile that appeared on his lips along with his eyes displaying nothing but pure happiness made me become even more teary eyed.

"You are so adorable." He smiled and so did I before we cuddled.

     God I'm so in love.


Awww, he follows where she goes🥺.



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