No Relaxing || Chapter 54

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'Don't turn the other cheek.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

A week had passed of Ms.Perfect updating us on her progress and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed. She would tell us about how he smiled at her from time to time along with giving her high fives whenever she would get something correct. She even said how she got to go to his place because he had to pick up a girl.

     I've been texting him but keeping my distance for the most part. I've skipped all of my classes the whole of last week not caring anymore. I had also gotten detention with Nataly because we got into a fight in the middle of the courtyard though she started it. That bitch just always loved to start shit.

Luca had texted me to meet him in his office which made me groan. I definitely didn't want to be in his office. All I could currently think of was him and that bitch in here. Now currently sitting across from him in my regular chair I watched as he sat in his high back chair opposite to me correcting papers.

"How have your study sessions been?" I asked. As he answered the question he kept correcting the papers that were placed on his crossed legs.

"Really good, luckily for me she's not hard to grasp onto things." I nodded though he couldn't see due to his gaze still being on the paper.

"She's pretty right?" I asked to which me froze mid marking. He looked up at me and raised a brow.


"What? It's just a question." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes going back to marking the paper.

"What the fuck even is this shit?" He mumbled out as he read whatever was on the paper.

"God you students give me a migraine." He said trying to figure out what he was reading.

"So is she?"

"I guess I don't know. I haven't paid attention like th—for fuck sakes what the hell even is this answer?" He questioned still not looking my way. I nodded slowly taking in his words.

He guesses? What kind of a fucking answer even was that?

"Stop doing that Lyla." He said looking down at the paper still.

"Doing what?" I genuinely didn't know what he meant.

"Stop over analyzing my words and overthinking. The more you do that the more upset you'll get which means I'm going to get slapped or punch either way." He said calmly still checking the paper. You have no idea how close I am to giving you a black eye Mr.Grey.

"Speaking of overthinking, why weren't you in my class last week?" He was now looking into my eyes.

"Didn't feel like waking up." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"So you didn't feel like waking up for any of your classes?"

"Why are you keeping tabs on me?"

"Why are you being distant?" He asked crossing his arms after setting the things down on his desk.

"I'm not."

"You're not? You're not being distant lyla? You? You're—fine." He seemed slightly pissed which made me roll my eyes.

"I have to text you like 20 times to get a response, and it's not even something like before, it's an open and shut sentence which leaves no room for conversation. You've also skipped my class all week and on top of that you ignore my calls."

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