Getting It Together|| Chapter 25

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'It's never to late to get it together.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

As I sat in detention inside of Mr.Greys classroom he gave me a huge ass packet of work I was missing which made me want to cry. Ugh trying to fix my life is going to suck.

"Seriously?! This is only two months?!" I whined making him roll his eyes.

"Yes, now start knocking some of them out since you'll have to catch up on all of your other classes." I groaned sinking into my seat.

"Do you want to do better or not? I won't lie and tell you that it'll be easy if we're being honest. In all honesty it's going to be hard as fuck since you're going to have to catch up on what....6 classes filled with two months of work?"

"Did you just swear?"

"Is that all you picked up?" He folded his arms over his chest making me sigh.

"Fine! I get it! I'm going to be living off of coffee for the next three months." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled surprising me.

"If you don't understand anything let me know." I nodded and got straight to it.

"Yes!" I shouted the moment I finished about 75% of the work in less than two hours. Detention was such a pain.

"Why are you happy?" He raised a brow at me looking up form his book where he was writing down notes.

"This." I said with a big and proud smile as I got up and dropped the stack of papers on his desk.

"I finished around 75% of my work in less than two hours, SUCK ON THAT SHAKESPEARE!"

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry." I said giggled slightly. He just watched me with a blank face.

"Watch your language young lady." He took the stack of papers and sent me back to my seat. Ugh not even a good job?! Prick!

I kept working on the papers and got so lost in time that I hadn't even noticed it was now 7:30pm.

"You can work on the rest tomorrow." I heard him say as he packed his things up.

"Wait! I literally only have one paper left, please?!" I pleaded to which he groaned.

"Fine! But hurry up, it's late and I want to go to home. Plus being here with a student this late is highly inappropriate."

I didn't reply and just rolled my eyes finishing my work. I was quick and fast to grasp things along with being a very skilled writer so finishing his work was actually easier than I though.

"And done!" I smiled happily and handed him the papers.

"Good, let's hope they're correct and you don't give me a bigger headache than your attire." He sighed grabbing the papers to which I just rolled my eyes once again. We made our way to the door after gathering our things where he locked the door.

"Whatever sir, have a horrible night and enjoy your cold bed."

"God you are infuriating Ms.Valentine." He said rolling his eyes as he started to make his way to the exit.

"And you think you're a ray of sunshine?" He rolled his eyes keeping his eyes focused on the hall.

"Goodbye Ms.Valentine, and please, don't forget to fix your uniform for gods sake." I rolled my eyes and went to my room.

"Where have you been?" Sofi asked as she dried her hair with a towel.

"Detention." I said as I dropped my bag on my bed after closing the door.

"Nothing new I see." She said laughing.

"It's later than usual, did something happen?"

"No just lost track of time." I shrugged taking my shoes off.

"Oh got it, by the way you got a letter, I placed it on your nightstand." I furrowed my brows in confusion going to it. I rolled my eyes when I saw it was from my brother once again. Not bothering to read like the others I threw it in my drawer not caring.

"Why do you never read them?" Sofi asked as she sat on her bed.

"Because I'm pretty sure I know what they say." I said laughing slightly.

"Anyways I have to work on some bullshit so I'll be in my bubble." She nodded and I got ready for bed then sent out all my emails to my teachers.

As stated Mr.Grey send me videos on how to properly prepare my uniform and I took the time to actually watch them. It was now the next day and I honestly was fighting for dear life to not fall asleep. Why was he so fucking boring?! The only thing that kept me going was his pretty face and sexy body.

Mr.Grey slipped me a note telling me to stay behind which I did after the bell rung. Everyone exited the classroom and I stood in front of his desk. He pulled out a stack of papers which were from yesterday all corrected. Does he not have a life? That's a lot of papers what the fuck?

"If you're so smart Lyla why do you insist of acting like your not and cause trouble? You finished all this work in a couple of hours alone, why not use your brain to make your life better?" I stayed quiet not knowing the answer.

I guess alcohol and drugs were my mothers bandaid and mines was acting out and acting like I didn't care; though deep down I was just a scared little girl who craved love and attention. Honestly I really didn't care since I had no one to even bother trying for. Realization hit me that my friends will all move on and I'll just be stuck in a stupid cell, might as well try to better my life for myself.

"You could get far in life with your smarts, don't take it for granted." He said as he got up and packed his things up.

"You should get going before you're late for your next class."

"Actually, my teacher is out today so can I stay with you?" He eyed me weirdly as if debating.

"I need help with my math assignment and since I have a free period today, and I know you don't have a second period."

"Stop rambling, let's go." He finished grabbing his things and I grabbed the stack of papers and placed them in my bag following him to his office.

"You clean up nicely." He said eyeing my neatly dressed self.

"Thanks." I smiled happily with the compliment. Everything was ironed, my hair was in a tight ponytail, my blazer was on, my tie was fixed, everything was in place just like he wanted. Ugh why the hell did I care about impressing him?!

I'm going mad.


She's so adorable.




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