Taunting || Chapter 45

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'Two can play the game of teasing my luvs.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

We were in his office and I chose to sit as far from him as possible. He was behind his desk and I was sitting in one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. Normally during our study sessions I would move the chair and sit next to him but today I don't think I can.

"I'll be back." He spoke as he responded to a call and exited his office space.

The second the door closed a heavy breath left my body finally feeling like I could breathe. This acting unfazed by him is killing me. Lately all I can fucking do is gawk at his sexy body and face when he was staring at his computer or phone. He smirked every time he caught me making me want to slap myself but I couldn't stop. I would stare at his lips wanting so badly to feel them against mines.

When he came back I stuck my gaze on my book and froze the moment I felt him right behind me. He bent down pressing his chest onto my back making my breath hitch.

"This one is wrong Lyla." His hand went over mines covering it and practically grabbing it making me gawk at his manicured hand with a clear finish and veins.

His hand covered mines from above before he took my pencil from my weak fingers. His breath fanned my neck making my thoughts go wild.

"You smell nice Lyla...." He said as his nose lingered near my neck grazing it slightly. He spoke in a low sexy tone making my breath come out shaky.

He slowly took the book from my lap letting his fingers graze my thigh and knees as he slid the book away from my lap. When he moved away from me and went to stand next to me placing the book on his desk I let out a shaky breath trying not to act irrationally. I was definitely ready to grab him and take him. He knew damn well what he was doing.

Mr.Grey lowered his upper half slight and started showing me the correct way. I tried to follow but his muscular arm and sexy hand were making me picture him touching me in a not-so-professional-way.

"Did you get it?"

"Uh yeah.." I lied.

"Good." The smile his lips flashed me right after he spoke made my heart start to pound.

He placed the pencil on top of the book and went back to his chair. God this idiot is killing me! Bastard son of a bitch! I quickly finished all of my assignments and packed my things up as fast as my hands allowed me to.

"I'll get going."

"Why are you in such a rush? I don't bite; unless told to." Tauntingly he voiced as his lips formed a smirk. He definitely knew what he was doing. How I wish he would bite....but in all the wrong and sexual ways. Shit I'm screwed.

"I know but I have to meet up with the group." He nodded slowly.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." D-did he just fucking wink at me or am I imagining it?! I think I'm going insane! I stared into his eyes for a little longer than necessary making me want to just kill myself. Fuck!

"Yeah so I'll get going." Awkwardly I spoke before rushing out as quickly as my legs could take me. The second the door closed I heaved a deep sigh. If he wants to play dirty I can play dirty too.

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