Final Note

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Hi everyone! It's been a while and I think we have some things to discuss. 

So first things first, I am so damn thankful for everyone who has read my book. I'm happy that you guys enjoy the sad and intense dramatic love story between Valid and Imani. But of course I'm sure some of you have some questions that need answers. 

Most of you unboxed me personally and I'll just answer the more eye opening ones here. 

What is their race/ethnicity? 

Valid is Russian. Nothing more nothing less. 

Imani is African American, not Russian. She is also a beautiful dark skinned woman who had left the states to live in Russia when she was younger.

Why is this book so gruesome?
I actually didn't intend to make this book so violent. But I like to go into depth with my writing, so you can see how some characters are. For example, you wouldn't really get the vibe that Valis is a dangerous husband when it comes to Imani if I left little to no details. I wanted you guys to read the extremes this mobster would go to protect his flower.

Although my books are quite graphic, I in no way support or try to glorify or encourage such behavior that is described in my book.

Are all your books going to contain this kind of material? 

I like, sorry no. I love writing and sharing my thoughts to the world. I try to give my audience the spicy material I feel should be shared so yes, a majority of my books posted and upcoming will contain graphic material. 

Is there a book coming out for the Kholodov kids? 

I haven't gotten that far yet, but I'll think about it. I'm leaning towards no for the time being because I don't know what shift I'd like to go in for the books.

But thank you once again y'all, for reading my book. Definitely stay tuned because I do have more traumatic lovebirds to introduce to you!

Hey, quick question..

Have y'all met Rafael Ramirez? 😏

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