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It was three days before Thanksgiving.

Weeks since the eventful night that Imani and Valis had taken part in the celebration of Lorenzo and Adeline Russi. The Russian Don looked at his wife's excitement.

His nerves settled with pride as he watched Xander jump into his mother's arms unsure but happy either way. "..be a big brother? Me?" He asked unsure of himself.

Imani nodded, smiling at the young boy. Before kissing his face once again.


Valis had his suspicions when she hadn't drank any alcohol at Lorenzo's gathering. Although she isn't much of a drinker at all, he would've figured that Imani would have taken at least a sip to ease her nerves that night.

The kid received a simple pat on his head, a small kiss from his father before finally getting the chance to run over to his connected play room.

It wasn't until they got back to their own bedroom that Imani jumped in his arms once again. The Don supported his woman's body, hand around her back as he held her up. Carrying her those few steps to lay on the bed, his lips were over hers as she held on to his hair.

"A baby Valis. A baby." She sniffled, breaths uneven as Valis kissed at her tears. "Congratulations Imani."

She lifted her hips, eyes twinkling as her husband removed her sweatpants, heated air touching her body. "Imani Valis.."

Her moan was heavenly. God sent full of such whisper when he slid into her warmth. "The things you do to me."

Dark brown skin contrasted his natural tan complexion, both of their eyes shut as they tried to lessen the noise. Valis let her pooled sweats fall off her ankles, legs pushing between hers as he maneuvered one over his shoulder. "So many things you've blessed my life with, Mrs. Kholodov. And you still have the blessings to give me more."


Imani grunted softly, irritation in her head as she failed to close the over packed suitcase. The faint sniffle had her freezing, rushing to her son's room where he lay in bed.

Valis and Imani were almost an hour late. They had to already be in the air by now and at Lorenzo and Adeline Russi's home.

But almost right after her announcement to Xander of him being an older brother, the boy had gotten the sad case of a fever. Of course, Imani knew that fevers and colds and whatever else was beyond common for young children. Since his immune system had to fight back, all she could do is feed him comfortable broths and drinks to soothe his throat pain.

Her knees met the soft carpet, hand over her son's forehead as she felt the heat radiating. The shake in her head was fast. "Nope." She sighed, standing up and turning away.

Her husband had met her at the top of the stairs, a raised eyebrow on his face. "We can't go. He's too sick." She pursed her lips, accepting the warm tea from him.

Imani was hot on Valis's toes, following him into Xander's room where he watched his movie. "Baby it's the second day. He needs to sweat this out for now." Valis placed Xander's warm drink on the bedside dresser, removing one layer of the thick blanket as his son relaxed with his own lemon tea. "Vy oba ukhodite?"
Are you both leaving?

Imani was drowned out by her husband's voice. "Only for a few days. Unless you want us to stay home-"

Xander sat up quick. Trouble and feverish mischief in his eyes as the thoughts of having the large home to himself. "Don't get fooled, baby boy. The maids are here to watch you and so are some of the guards."

The defeat danced over his sweated head as he groaned out a cough. With a slight nod, tucked back into bed, Xander was out like a light.

Valis took the empty china, going back into the bedroom. A sigh left his lips at his wife who sat on the small velvet bench that was in front of their bed. Arms crossed and fuzzy socks tapping, she silently cursed at the man. "Flower."

He bit his smirk, going to his knees before his woman. Her hands in his as he kissed her knuckles, large diamond on his finger as he tried not to laugh at her overreacting.

"If you'd like, I can have the cameras synced with our phones."

She looked away, nodding slowly with a curt shrug. "If it makes you feel better..than I guess."

The gasp was full of surprise, muffled laughter as she was moved to the center of the bed by her husband. "We," she swallowed her moans. Eyes twinkling at the feel of her husband between her legs.

"We have to go..were late. Valis-"

Imani watched her fingers ruffle through his hair, body warm as she felt her jeans tickle to her ankles. She watched her knees get pushed apart, his head adding to the heat that nearly radiated her soul.

Satisfaction rolled off her tongue as she called his name. With her feet roaming and against his back, Imani arched her own from the soft sheets. Imani looked at the clear sky, breaths rasp as his tongue flicked and attacked her slit over once more.

No foreplay.

Imani wanted to curse the man but beg him for giving her the relief she wasn't aware she needed.



Dark brown eyes twinkled as her orgasm came soaring. Body tensing as she felt him lap her up like a beast. Slowly, Valis pulled away. Watching in content as she kept her eyes on the sky above their home.

He left his wife laying there with a smirk on his face. He swiftly closed up her remaining suitcase, bringing what they needed to the car.

It didn't seem like much, but he knew only so little of it was his belongings. The woman had a knack for good impressions and still hadn't decided on a nice outfit.

Going back to the bedroom, Valis had watched his wife slowly lull herself to sleep. The man left to give his sleeping boy another check, confirming that he was sound asleep.

It didn't take long for them to leave the home, and be up into the air.

Where Valis had happily spent those few hours between the legs of his satisfied wife.

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