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The ticking echoed from a watch. Bouncing off the cemented walls as silence was given.

Valis replayed the words in his head.

"Maybe next time, I'll have them kill her right then and there."

The Don was sprawled on the floor, head at his son's feet. The grimacing smirk on his face made him sick. Even in his moments of death, he still had so much boldness to threaten her life.

Made him so fucking sick to look at his father.

He was behind it. Imani's kidnapping, her assault. Her voice. Her loss of happiness. He was behind it all.

"You have no idea, how pathetic you've shown yourself to be. That...girl. is nothing but a casualty. A waste of fucking space. You want to be acquaintances with her? Fine. But you don't replace her last name with ours. I forbid it."

"Forbid it?"

He thought he really had a say in anything.

The world couldn't slow down enough, his brain swirled as the need for vomiting increased.

Forgive yourself.

Understand the reasoning for it.

All of it, it will belong to you...it will belong to Imani's.

It will belong to your son.

"I'm so done. I can't even fucking... Oh God, Imani.." he rasped, dry heaving as he let his few tears fall.

Would she understand? Would she be able to look at him and see him? Not his father? Will she be strong enough to live another day for him?

"Do you..not understand?" Valis grunted, trying to find his strength to remain on his own feet. The soldiers remained fluid, composed as they awaited orders.

It was all him.

His own father, so controlling of his son. So controlling of the family, destroying it. For years, he's done nothing but destroy it. Unaware of the hellstorm that is soon to be thrown upon the Kholodov name.

"She cried for you, punk. She cried for you for days, and you never showed up."

"I will forgive you, Valis. The bitch is the reason for all of this.. admit it, and I'll let you be the one to kill her."

"We found her. Valis, it's bad."


"Who hired us? Bastard is closer than you think."

Michael Kholodov raised an eyebrow, amused at his son's defiance. "No?"

"She can talk..it'll just be limited. Her vocal cords can only take so much now."

"You fu-fucking...you hurt her. You fucking,"

"I'm broken Valis..damaged goods."

His heart skipped a beat. Fingers twitching as he stood up tall. Valis looked at that smirk, that demonic smirk his father had.

He was proud. Proud of hurting someone so undeserving of any pain. He hurt Imani.

Months and months of torture the man endured, and he had another nerve to make that fucking smirk.
Valis wiped underneath his eye, this tear being the last and final remorse for his father given on the back of his hand. He looked at the armed men that stood behind him.

This was their test.

This was who they were willing to defend. Wasn't it?

Taking such advantage of someone. The Don had a hole, they had an opportunity, they took it. But where does it rely? Where does any of their loyalty rely?

Valis looked at the black body bag in the far corner, constricted with the guard who let his father in. His death was quick, but the ability to bury the man was never thought of. He was just useless, a waste of space.

He'll remain there a bit longer.

Valis reached to his side, left hand steady as he pulled out the black piece of lethal metal. He watched the smirk finally leaving his father's face.

"Take him outside."

The Don could barely react as he's grabbed up by the men.

"What the fuck?! What the hell are you doing?! GET OFF ME!"

His yells were heard, commands unfollowed as the soldiers dragged their Don out the room. Dirt and crime riddled his body, blood leaking small streams from his ass as he tried to turn and kick, failing horribly. Servants, soldiers, all confused and watching the scene unfold coming from the halls.

"Privedi moyu zhenu syuda!" Valis ordered aloud.
Several people went scattering, all in different directions to find Imani Kholodov. Bring my wife here!

The front doors opened. More soldiers stood to the side, some patrolling as they all stopped. They watched the ordered soldiers let the Don go.

He fell down the flight of concrete steps, hard. Grunting and cursing at the men as he's picked up again.

Valis smelt the scent of warmth. A scent so soft that he recognized belonging to his wife. Imani slowly walked in front of two armed guards and a maid. The look in her eyes, it confirmed what he was to do.

Protect her.

Protect the child, the children that she'd birth for him.

Protect Imani Kholodov.

He walked to the woman, confusion in her eyes as she stopped walking. Her hands resting on the top of her swollen belly.

"Did you forgive him? The man I told you I'd be..tell me. Tell me, my delicate soul." The sounds of his father's yells fluent as she gasped softly. Valis took his woman's hands, her lips to his fingers as he silently worshipped the delicate Flower before him.

"Just this once, flower. Just this once, I need you by my side. I need you here, Imani Kholodov."

Her lips parted slightly, accepting his kiss and slip of the tongue as she grabbed his upper arms. "I don't understand." She spoke softly, eyes glossy as he dragged her away.

The show continued as the Don is dragged to the front yard grass.

"Do you know who I am?! FUCK YOU!"

"This is who you all follow?!" Valis walked through the opened front doors. All members and communities present at the front yard of the first compound. All looking through opened windows, by the cars. All walking from the thick gates to the scene just feet from them.

Imani gasped, her feet fast as she let him guide her down the stairs.

"Don Michael Kholodov. With death at your doorstep, make this the opportunity to clean your ledger with my wife. Apologize to her." He announced, his wife stood behind two of the guards, multiple other ones surround her.


Imani covered her mouth, eyes on her husband as the tears fell from her eyes. Valis had taken the awaited blade from the soldier, shoving it deep into the side of his neck.

From the base of his collarbone up to behind his ear, Valis dragged the sharp metal piece upwards. The gurgles of his throat were soft, eyes watery as he fell to his side.

Kill him.

Kill him, Valis.

The Don And His FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now