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"I'm sure that Imani would love an invitation like that. Thank you Russi. I'll keep in touch."

Valis hung up his call, watching the screen on his phone. Almost less than a third of Italy was ablaze. He was supposed to be in his bedroom right now, celebrating the new age of their son.

Xander was finally a year and a half old.

Instead he watched the destruction of the few remaining mafias, all burned to ash and crisp. He didn't enjoy murdering the men, or their families. But knowing how silent they had been about Giovanni's demise, gave him the unwanted confirmation about their loyalty.

He couldn't risk his wife and child anymore. Not finding the strength for anymore alliances, Valis had decided to simply set their homes, business, establishment, everything ablaze.

Valis looked at the bright day light, late spring tickling the grass as many rows of flowers bloomed in the sectioned garden. Another call on his phone made him grimace at the familiar unwanted number. Closing his laptop, he answered the phone.

"Lucas Maroni is here sir."

Valis cursed again, hanging up the phone and heading out the office. Xander's laughter bounced off the walls, a cartoon playing as he tried to run fast. On her hands and knees, Imani crawled and caught the boy. Her chapstick left lip shines among her dark skin. Xander smiled at his father, baby teeth shining at him as he left his mother's hold, running right into his awaiting father.

A family.

He had a family.

One that he genuinely loved.

Valis looked at the smile on Imani's face, her eyes distracted by the show that played on the large screen.

Bye bye?

Imani looked at her husband, noticing how he was dressed in his usual outside attire, long black sleeves with black cargo jeans and sneakers. The Don smiled, kissing his young son on his forehead with a slight not. "I'll be back in two hours. You help mommy and be good for me, yeah?"

The boy gave a small nod, running to the sofa where his eyes absorbed so much of the screen. Imani stood to her feet, arms around Valis as he pecked her lips. "You going somewhere?" She felt him kiss her once more, fireworks going off in her heart.

The man was unbelievably handsome, so amazing to her. "Yeah, just to the airport to meet someone. I'll be right back before dinner."

She gave a small hum in response, finally letting him go as she sat in the empty seat besides her son.

Travis Morcan stood outside, awaiting his Don. Valis still hadn't figured out about the young soldier. Imani had decided to make small conversations with him whenever she was near the compound. Valis knew from the jump, that Travis Morcan was infatuated with the woman.

His woman.

Imani Kholodov.

Although he knew better than to let such a petty crush bother him, the man over stepped boundaries from the moment he looked at his wife.

"Don Kholodov." He greeted.

The Don got into the awaiting suv, despising the man he was going to meet.

Lucas Maroni.

It wouldn't be surprising to know that the man was just finding out about his son's death. He'd been dead for a while now, since Valis had last heard of his failed attempt at taking out Russi's capo Christian Maith. Maroni had given himself a false illusion, believing that he had other dons standing with him. Everyone knows he's been in hiding, that he intends to take the Lorenzo Russi out.

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