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Five Years Later

Valis looked at the pudge in his wife's belly.

Four months pregnant.

Two babies.


He watched her sleep soundly. The previous night was torturous for her. Valis had consoled his woman, emotional and crying she remained. They were sending the eight-year-old to his first day of school outside of Sontarc.

Imani wanted to shelter her babies. Protect them in Sontarc where no harm will come to them. But it was unrealistic for either of them. Xander had to know life outside of Sontarc, into Russia at least.

But Valis wasn't a regular father, Imani wasn't a regular mother. They were going to raise their children to be smart, adaptable and prepared for the life ahead of them.

"I don't want my babies to leave me, Valis."

Imani whimpered, neck covered by her favorite satin white scarf. Valis clenched his jaw, holding her against his back as they watched their boy through the window.

They watched him coloring and playing, talking with such ease compared to the wild children around him.

The nervous teacher handed the boy another crayon, repeatedly looking over her shoulder at the window where the Mafia parents watched intently. Valis wondered if he was in competition with the teacher when it came to the nervousness. She was damn near shitting bricks compared to how scared she looked.  

He wanted to kiss her neck, to show her that Xander had to leave, one way or another. He had to have an education. But if he was being wholeheartedly honest, he didn't want his son to grow up. Not anymore than now.

"I know baby..me neither."

Imani was a crying mess when they came home yesterday evening.

A sleeping Xander in Valis arms was placed in bed as the Don carried in his two four year old twin girls. They slept in their own respective connected rooms while their powerful father dragged in the massive bags into their home. Two armfuls after the next. After the first store, he knew Imani was playing with him. Punishing him for believing that spoiling her with clothes, shoes, purses and jewelry were going to calm her nerves. So here he stood, the early morning at the foot of the bed.

He watched his wife sleep as her body remained uncovered from the soft sheets.

Just a taste.

Just one.

Then drop Xander off.

Then bring the girls to the compound for their library art day.

Just one to calm down.

Valis repeated it in his head, fingers touching soft silk skin. Grazing her ankles, he rose his fingers to her knees, looking at the small stubble between her legs.

With a slight inhale, Valis was quietly kneeling on the bed, laying down on his stomach as his lips touched her inner thigh.

Just a taste.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.


The aroma of florals was in his nostrils as he kissed her flesh. Nearing to her folds, he kissed the nearest lip. Easily, he maneuvered her legs apart with his lips over hers.

Valis took his right hand, fingers separating the two folds as he looked at the sight before him. Such a nasty wet dream she was having. He smirked, tongue darting out as it flicked between her folds.

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