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Imani watched the letter burn to a crisp ash. The black smoke nearly in her eyes as she looked at the small candle flame. Another letter from her husband's brother, Nikolai.

Angered words, swearing vengeance on behalf of his deceased father. Almost two years now, they've spent without communication. Valis hadn't seemed to care at all. Not about murdering his father, murdering the entirety of the Giovanni family.

Even now, Imani herself had those doubts about her attack.

She didn't believe as well, that the Giovanni's were even behind it. Perhaps it was just more of a front, someone else ordered the attack.

The familiar smell of vanilla filled the bathroom, and her nerves. Imani blew out the large flame, watching small black dust rise and disappear into nothing. Looking up in the mirror, Imani observed her dress, looking at the scarf she had wrapped around her neck.

She was going back to America.

With her husband by her side, of course.

There was a gathering for Lorenzo Russi and his wife, Adeline Russi. To celebrate the marriage between the Don and his woman.

Imani had heard so little about Imani, but wanted to know more. "Flower. You ready?"

She joined him into the bedroom, watching the maids stand outside the door. She didn't want to leave, not when her boy was barely adjusting to his first round of allergies.

"If he does anything besides his sneezing-"

"I already told them, flower." He murmured against her lips, listening to the faint laughter of their little boy who played in his room.

They spent five more minutes kissing and hugging their boy. Waiting by their awaiting suv door, stood Travis Morcan.

Valis had made the decision of keeping this particular enemy close to him. Imani still hadn't known that he might've been the one watching her those times, but they've been speaking more since her attack. The soldier opened the door with a curt nod in greeting, helping the two in the backseats.

Getting into the passenger, Travis spoke slowly into his earpiece, the driver taking them out of Sontarc to the deserted airport.

"So wait..he went sixteen years married and just..ended it like that?"

Her nerves relaxed as they were in the air, the plane flying smoothly against the clouds. Valis had explained a bit of gossip to his wife, who was curious about the middle aged man's sudden marriage.
Imani was more than surprised to know that his new wife was around the same age as them.

"Adeline..that's a pretty name. Have you met her?"

He pondered that question, smirking at her desire of knowing if he's ever stepped inside of a nightclub for other reasons.

The man grasped her fingers, kissing them to his lips as he shook his head. "It's okay baby. I did step into Echo before. Just not for the reasons you believe." He listened to her soft hum.

Imani got up from her seat, already knowing Valis was behind her as they walked to the back of the plane where the bed awaits them. "No sex." She barely spared him a look before falling into the cold sheets.

There was another matching black plane besides them. Imani assumed that's what the soldiers were traveling by as well. Nerves shot through her as the blue skies passed by her sleepy vision. The embrace of Valis's arms lulled her to a deep slumber.

It was already night time when they arrived. Giving them an hour of freshening themselves a bit. Valis Kholodov was holding hands with his nerve strucken wife the entire ride.

He thought the several black escalades that trailed behind them, would ease her worries. "They haven't called in a while, you think Xander is okay?" Nervously playing with her husband's hands.

The man interlaced their fingers, grasping her thigh with soothing finger trails. "Calm down babygirl. Just relax. We'll be here for one night, and we'll be right back okay?"


Imani looked at the gated mansion before her. Awaiting her hand was her husband.

She took it happily, nearly crashing into his side as she looked at the multiple pairs of wealth walking into the main compound of the Russi Family. The marble steps were barely scuffed from the shoes of the attendees.

Imani followed besides her husband, letting him lead her inside one of the doors. Walking down a hall behind other people, Valis and Imani nearly toppled down some steps.

A small relieving laugh was shared as they walked down the steep steps. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" He murmured among the crowd.

Imani by her tongue, rolling her eyes once more as she nodded. Accepting his kiss she nudged him. "I think that would be the fourth time."

The man wore his usual black long sleeve and black jeans. While he knew his wife looked as gorgeous as he knew she always looked, he detested the scarf she wore whenever they left Sontarc.

His encouragement wouldn't influence her to remove that scarf whatsoever.

The two had sat at the table, waiting among the others for the couple of the night to arrive.

"It's been forever now."

"She probably has cold feet."

Few people conversed silently. Valis kept his right arm behind Imani's chair, relaxing as she fed him another small serving of a deviled egg. "You feed me anymore of these, I'll puke." He groaned softly, the aroma alone of the eggs making him nauseous.

Imani smiled, pecking his lips as she took his remaining half and ate it.

Applause finally broke out as Imani looked at the main entrance. She stood with the rest, pulling Valis up with her as they clapped.

Adeline looked gorgeous.

From her hair.

To her heels.

She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Imani loved the way that Lorenzo looked at Adeline. She wondered if Valis ever looks that way when he looks at her.

Such vulnerability.

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