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They were amateurs.

Amateurs who stood no chance.

Not against Valis Kholodov. 

The first fist came fast.

Valis dodged it. Instead sending the kid behind him and to the floor. The amusement park blared its music, laughter and cheering blocking the grunts and curses of the group trying to attack Valis Kholodov.

Imani remained crying in the bathroom.

Valis let her cries echo to the back of his head, as he met the ground hard. Grabbing the dude's shirt, he bought him tumbling down too. Grabbing the hair, Valis slammed his head back twice against the pavement. The man was out cold. A hard kick sent Valis doubling over to the side on his back.

Only Ivan and another kid remained standing, the other three completely knocked out cold. Valis grabbed a charging Ivan, stepping to the side as he pushed him towards the hard bathroom wall. His head hit the surface, falling down with a curse.

Valis was fast, colliding into the side of Ivans friend as he went tumbling to the side. He sides swiped the dude again, watching him fall.

"You tell them who killed Ivan Giovanni." He grunted before raising his foot, slamming it down twice over his face.

Out cold.

Taking out his spare phone, he sent the text and picture, going back into the bathroom. Imani stood in front of a mirror, her panties in her hand as she stared at her reflection. "Imani."

Her eyes remained on the filthy mirror, a reflection of emotionless staring right back at her.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Right now, she was supposed to be laying in grass. Blocked off by a massive willow tree with Valis between her legs, on top of her. Her moans with him were supposed to be quiet as she moaned his name in his ear.

She was supposed to be looking up at the stars and the night sky. But instead, she stood in a filthy bathroom. Remnants of an hour ago remained inside of her. No matter how hard she wiped, no matter how many times she tried to wash him out of her.

Valis was still there, still inside of her.

Imani blinked out her tears once, the warm droplets falling from her chin.

His mouth moved again, but she couldn't hear his voice. She could see his body stepping towards her, his hands on her waist as he was pressed against her back.

Her mouth moved, saying something but she couldn't hear it. Why couldn't she hear her own voice?

Imani repeated the motion, looking at his reaction in the mirror. He looked guilty, remorseful as he kissed her neck.

Mouth moved again, no words.

She couldn't hear anything that they said to each other. Why can't she tell him that?

Imani watched his hand grab her face, turning it to kiss her lips.

Why was he kissing her? She doesn't want him kissing her lips.

Stop him.


Stop Valis.


"Don't stop." Imani gasped, hands on his wrist as he had her bent over. The tears fell from her eyes, right down the drain as she felt the constriction she had on him. Still, he pushed further. Forcing himself into her as he thrusted.

Don't stop.

Her mouth moved again, eyes watery as she couldn't voice the words she wanted him to hear. He saw she wasn't willing. He even had to push her and hold her head down, can't he see how unhappy her face was?

Imani gasped, a sob racking her throat as he found something in her. Her body tensed as he mouthed some words.

Just grunts and groans in her ears, but not his voice.

He let her head go, grabbing her denim skirt and pulling it up more, exposing her unclothed ass to his eyes. He looked down, kicking her legs apart more as he found comfort inside of her.

"Don't stop."

Imani bit her tongue, cries soft as she begged her mouth to stop. She didn't want this, not anymore. She didn't want Valis to do this to her anymore. Why couldn't she tell the man to stop?

He grunted again.

She cried in response.

He grunted her name. Imani.



She sucked in a breath, finding the strength to put her hand back. The attempt to push him away failed as he simply pinned her arm to her lower back.

Scratch him, he's close enough.

His large hand came shooting down, hard against her cheek as she gasped at the impact.

Valis mouthed more words, she had to read them. What is he saying to her?

"You sure, baby? Fuck, you sure?"

He heard her.

She told him to stop, and he heard her. He knows that she isn't happy, not with any of this. He knows to stop. She nodded, words finally heard before they were blocked again.


He grunted, hand around her neck as he bent over, centimeters from the fogged mirror, he kissed her. Why was he kissing her?

She gasped, shock in her as she felt her orgasm force his out of him. He let her neck go, slamming his hand against the mirror once as he pushed against her body. Tight fist on her skirt as he kept her body pinned down with his, trapping her between the sink and him.

The feeling was so sudden the first time, Imani was so focused on running away she couldn't understand what had happened. But this was different.

Her coils hid her face, mouth gaped and eyes wide in terror as she felt the substance spurt and coat inside of her. His grunts were low as he looked up at the chipped painted ceiling.

Satisfied breaths left his mouth, body tense and slowly regaining composure as he finished emptying his loads inside of her.

The ping on his phone had him cursing once. Looking at the confirmation of Ivan being at the requested location.

"Imani." He breathed, carefully pulling out from her heat. Such few remnants made their escape, wet folds glazed, her insides warm as she sat up.

Shaking hands gripped the sink as she looked back up at the mirror with teary sore eyes.


The Don And His FlowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora