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A groan escaped Y/N's lips, the harsh winter weather was enough to make the teenager shiver and pull his blanket tightly over his shoulders. Although the windows were closed, the radiator on, he was still cold. He looked up at the bed above him, Ned snoring as loud as always.

He sighed and sat up on his mattress which was on the floor, wrapping his blanket around himself like a hoodie. He looked around and sighed lightly, looking over at the solitary half built death star lego set in the corner.

"Y/N..." A growl was heard, Y/N looked around, confused. "It's time to let go of your morals. Become One with Me." It growled again, a black sludge crawled towards Y/N, who was frozen with fear. "Let go of the weakness, let Us conquer this planet. We are strong." The sludge slowly turned into a black figure with white eyes, Y/N pressed his back onto the wall, the creature inching closer. "Tell me; Herman Schultz." The creature grabbed the sleeping Ned, and then snapped his neck. "We can get revenge, Y/N. Just let me have more control and together... We will be unstoppable."

"What are you?" Y/N trembled.

"What? I am you. What you could be if you let go." The creature glanced around, smiling and displaying his long sharp teeth. "Wake up. We have a city to take."

Y/N awoke, panting as he looked around the room, Kate, Frank and Matt were all still unconscious, Fisk's men laid close to death around the room. He looked down at his hands, the once red, blue and white suit was now all black. Fisk was nowhere to be seen, "Coward." Y/N growled, getting to his feet and walking to Kate. He crouched down next to her,  cupping her face as she slowly woke up.

"Y/N?" She mumbled, jolting back after seeing the new suit. "Oh, God, I thought you was one of Fisk's men."

"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing her cheek with his index finger. She let out a whimper as Y/N's finger grazed a cut on her cheek, she nodded and placed her hand on his. Sirens rang out nearby as the security system began wailing. "We need to go." He grabbed her by her forearm and made his way to the window.

"What about the other two?"

Y/N glanced back at the Matt and Frank, the pair unconscious and were most definitely going to get arrested if he left them there. But for some weird reason, a voice in Y/N's head was telling him to leave them. "I-" Y/N sighed. "We don't have time."

Kate pulled her arm away, shaking her head. "I'm not leaving without them. If you don't want to help... that's up to you."


"Help or don't."

Kate crouched next to Frank and Matt, struggling to pick them up. Y/N heard stomping footsteps, police wearing riot gear.

"Leave them."

A voice muttered, Y/N looked around but couldn't find the source. He jogged to Kate and picked up Matt on his shoulder, allowing Kate to pick up Frank. He fired a web to the building across and swung, placing Matt down, he pulled in Kate and Frank.

The police entered the room just as they got to the opposite building, Y/N lightly kicked Matt, who began to wake up.


"Yeah. We got out." Y/N sighed, looking around New York. "I've got something to deal with." 

And with that, he swung off, heading off to May's.

He entered the apartment, still wearing his suit as he saw May sat on the couch. He took off the mask and the suit disappeared into a black shirt and shorts. He cleared his throat, May paused the TV and smiled at her nephew.

"How are-"

"How did my dad die?"

May's demeanour changed, she looked at her nephew with a dejected look. "I told you many times before; work related."

"Enough of the bullshit!" Y/N yelled, slamming his fist onto the wall. "I want the truth!"

"That is the truth!"

"No!" Y/N walked towards the couch, his fist clenched. "I went to Harry's and saw a letter in Norman's desk." Y/N confessed. "A symbiote killed my dad, surely you knew."

May trembled and then sighed. "Yeah."

Y/N scoffed. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" Y/N ran his hand through his hair, biting his tongue hard enough to make himself wince.

"I know what you're like. I knew you'd act this way and try to hurt the person who done it. I was waiting for Norman to pass and he did, so I just thought the true would be buried with him."

Y/N shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe you." Y/N uttered. "The truth wasn't buried. My dad was. Ben was. Ned was. You're a liar."

"I'm the liar? Y/N, I kept the truth from you because I didn't want this to happen. But what about what you've kept from me? Mh?" May stood up, placing her hands on her nephew's shoulders. "I know who you truly are, but I've never confronted you about it. Or looked at you in anger for keeping it from me. And I do that knowing that one day you might never come back. And I'll see that my sweet son died by the hands of some maniac." Y/N stayed silent, simply looking down at his feet. "I know Ned's death was hard on you, I know you want revenge on Herman, but you know what I taught you. Don't do anything in anger, forgive him, because it shows you have more strength than him."

"I'm going to kill him. And that's a promise."


A couple of days had passed, Y/N was perched on a roof ledge, surveying the city. He was on the hunt, to deal with Fisk, he had to deal with the pawns. With Stacy in Fisk's corner, he had to find evidence before beating them. Y/N saw a truck drive past, Y/N peered inside and saw Kraven.

The Web-Slinger leaped off the building, landing on top of the vehicle, firing two webs on either side of a building, flipping the van into the air.

Y/N landed as the van slid across the road, crashing into several vehicles before setting a light. Y/N walked to the truck, ripping off the door and pulling Kraven and a goon.

He placed a foot on Kraven's chest, webbing the goon to the floor. Kraven smirked after seeing Spider-Man. "Where's Joshua?" Y/N asked, pressing his foot slightly harder.

"I do not know." Kraven told, still smirking.

"Let's see how much it takes until you break." Y/N grabbed Kraven by his neck, after several bone crunching punches, Kraven was unconscious. Y/N opened the back of the truck, inside was nothing. "Fuck."

Y/N grabbed Kraven and slung him on his shoulder, swinging to the warehouse.

He landed just outside, entering, he saw Kate, Matt and Frank planning. They all looked confused as Y/N tied Kraven to a pipe with a metal chain. "What's going on?" Frank asked.

"He's got information. We're getting it out of him."

The four surrounded Kraven as his eyes fluttered open. The group stood right in front of him, he smirked again, his teeth stained red. "I've got a few questions. And you will answer them."

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