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The man buttoned his blazer, he cleared his throat and looked over to the man he was about to make a speech with. Captain George Stacy smiled at Wilson Fisk, the Billionaire reciprocated the action. "Are you sure you want to outlaw Spider-Man?" Fisk asked.

"He's dangerous. He broke out Frank Castle for God's sake." George sighed, placing his hands in his pockets. "I shouldn't really say it but I will; Spider-Man is hunting you down. Thinks that you're behind the recent attacks."

Fisk furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled. "People will say anything nowadays. Ridiculous to be honest."

"That's what I was thinking." George cleared his throat and stepped onto the stage, he tapped the microphone and placed down a script. "Good Afternoon. New York City, the people that live here, you deserve to be safe, not looking over your shoulder. And Spider-Man gave us some security, until he brutally defeated Herman Schultz, breaking bones. Although Herman is not a good man, that is not the way to do things. The Ruthless Spider-Man must be brought to a stop. If he's watching this, the police have been ordered to arrest or terminate him. And I pledge that the civilians of Manhattan and New York, will not accept help off you. The NYPD is here for protection, with the funding of Wilson Fisk!"

Wilson waved to the crowd as he approached his own microphone. "Thank you, Captain." He nodded to George and then turned back to the crowd. "I couldn't agree more. Spider-Man is dangerous, more dangerous than those locked up because he's stronger. He had a reputation, a partnership with the NYPD, that had to be stopped. People of New York, I am here for you!" The crowd erupted into cheers and people clapping, he met George in the middle of the stage and shook his hand.

While Spider-Man watched on from the opposite building, he couldn't help but glare at Fisk, and he could've swore, Fisk looked up to him, and smirked.

Y/N and Kate were laying in the field, she had her head rested on her partner's chest, the pair gazing into the sky. Y/N couldn't help but look at Kate, a smile crept onto his lips as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "You're so beautiful." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You don't look too bad-"


The pair both shot up, Y/N looked around but saw nothing. "I don't... know what that was." He mumbled. "We should get going. Get back home." He wrapped his arm around Kate's waist.

Y/N, Frank, Kate and Matt were all stood around a tale, devising a plan to take down The Kingpin. "Frank will be on the opposite building, ready to take the shot on Fisk. A concussion bullet, not a real one, while Kate is on another building disrupting police communications and alarms. Y/N will upload all the data stored in Oscorp's servers while I deal with Fisk." Matt planned out, Kate writing down every word and mapping out the building, even with her bad drawing. "We should get the schematics for Oscorp, Y/N, you'll have to get closer to Harry and take them. Frank and I will intercept a transport filled with weapons and radios that are linked with Oscorp." Matt continued, "Kate will be scouting outside of Oscorp, watching Fisk's every move, just so we can understand his schedule."

"I can't use my friendship with Harry to get-"

"You promised you'd help. So help."

Y/N glanced at Matt and scoffed, pulling out his phone, he dialed Harry's number. "Hey, man, do you think we could meet up? I could go round yours and we could go out for lunch."

"Of course. See you soon."

Y/N hung up and turned to Kate, placing a kiss on her lips. "Stay safe." He said before leaving the warehouse.

He arrived outside of Harry's penthouse, he knocked on the door and a security guard opened the double door. Y/N was taken away by the scenery, he'd never been in Harry's new penthouse. The floor was made out of marble and a chandelier hung overhead.

Harry had both hands resting on a banister, where it had two sets of stairs that reached it. "You good?" Harry questioned, walking downstairs and pulling his best friend in for a hug.

"Yeah. How are you, man?"

"Been better. Glad you're here though. I've got something to talk to you about." Harry deeply sighed, "I know that she's technically your ex, even though it was a dare that you two dated, I'm going out with Felicia."

As soon as the name left his lips, Felicia emerged from the lounge, a smile plastered on her lips. "Y/N. Glad to see you."

"I knew you two were going out... you're both in the college class."

"It wasn't official." Harry mumbled, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's waist.

"Wasn't official? You two were practically fucking in class!" Y/N snickered, Harry was taken a back by the wording. "Christ. Harry. Did you know I'm going out with Kate Bishop?" Y/N put on a mocking voice. Harry sighed, knowing his friend was trying to get a reaction. "I need to go for a piss. Where's the toilet?"

"Up the stairs. Opposite my office." Harry told. "We'll go for lunch after."

Y/N nodded and walked up the stairs, he turned right and saw the office, two security guards stood on either side of the double doors.

Y/N entered the bathroom, trying to plan his way into the office. His eyes landed on a window, which he pryed open, he looked outside and saw no way across the penthouse without bystanders seeing him.

The closed the window and dropped down the windowsill, his eyes landed on the sink. He turned the tap on and hid behind the door as the water spilled onto the floor, a security guard opened the door, Y/N pushed it shut and then placed a hand over the guard's mouth, knocking him out, he placed him in the bathtub.

Y/N turned the tap off and knew he had to be quick. He opened the door and sprinted at the other guard, slamming the guard's head against the wall.

He opened the office door and dragged the guard in, he shut the doors behind him and looked at the desk located in the middle of the office.

Y/N knew it wasn't Harry's, portraits of Norman hung on the walls and the desk was collecting dust. "He hasn't been in here for ages." Y/N uttered, going behind the desk, he opened several drawers, finding a letter addressing a Charlie L/N. He furrowed his eyebrows and picked up the letter, opening it, his mouth gaped open.

To Charlie L/N

My friend, my brother, I am so sorry. The symbiote was meant to make you feel better, not whatever has happened to you. I've took young Y/N and placed him into a different household, at least until you're better and the symbiote doesn't have the control it holds.

Yours sincerely, Norman Osborn

Y/N trembled, he placed the letter back into the drawer, finding schematics just underneath the letter. He was unsure what to feel. He never knew the outcome of his father's death, May and Ben always told him it was work related.

Y/N placed the schematics in his pocket, he put on his mask and opened the office window, swinging away. Y/N had to find out what happened.

And if what he suspects is true, Harry will have to take the consequences of the sins of his father. And May will answer questions. Many.

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