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Herman vaults over the small platform and performs a flying spin kick. The dummy falls to the floor as Herman continues sprinting through the training facility.

He climbs up the wall and dives through a window, using his concussion blast to knock back a set of dummies.

The alarm rings out in the training ground and the shutter door slides open. Ernst enters the facility with his hands in his suit pockets. "Again!" He orders and clicks his fingers, the scenario begins to run again.

Herman does the exact same again, finishing a few seconds before last time. Ernst enters the room again and meets up with Herman half way.

"One minute and 5 seconds. Not that bad, could be better. Take the rest of the day off, Herman. Try again later."

"Okay." Herman walks off to his own personal quarters in the compound. It wasn't much, just enough to live off. A bed, toilet, shower, sink.

The one thing he used excessively was his training room, something he could use without Ernst's opinion.

It had anything he could've wanted. A punching bag hung from the ceiling, the object being able to take blasts from Herman's blasters.

It had weights, treadmills and even a course so he can get quicker, stronger and improve back to how he used to be.

It felt like the old days. He loved wearing the gauntlets and that's something he had in common with his old self. He lived for the chaos.

The Web-Head dumps the pile of evidence on his desk. George had given him them after Hammerhead's reprisal to dig further.

He sits down on his chair and turns on his computer. Opening Google he begins searching up more about the St Albans massacre, Herman Schultz and best friend Flint Marco attacked the school, no known intentions.

Rumours had speculated that Herman was criminally insane and others said he did it under the order of others.

Y/N knew the first one was bullshit but the second one... it might've been true. All he had to do was find out who called the shots.

He dug through the files, reading each folder over and over. "Joshua Lorenzini was one of the many victims attacked by Herman Schultz. Was shot in the head after being shot in the stomach from close range. Fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, struggle was expected. Survived and was fitted with a vibranium plate." Y/N read out aloud. He flipped the page and began reading again. "Fingerprints were found on the bullets belonging to Joshua Lorenzini." Y/N types in the name of the officer who wrote the report. "Hector Ayala... Alias: White Tiger, was murdered during the middle of the night by a python. Inspection on the body found many lacerations around his torso."

Suddenly his door swung open and Liz stood at the now open door. She welcomed herself in and Y/N swiftly closed the tab. "What are you doing?" She asked.

Y/N looked around the room and pointed at himself. "Me?"

"There's no one else, dumbass."

"Oh. Me? I'm just, uh, doing the homework. The, um, the - the y'know, Maths homework."

"Oh, right. I just popped in because um - you bailed again." Liz mumbles and looks back to Y/N.

"I - it was - sorry. Ned needed something again."

Liz nodded and maintained eye contact. "I'll see you in school, Y/N."

She left the room and shut the door behind her, leaving Y/N to continue his research.

He grabbed Herman's personal file and began reading it.



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