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Two figures loomed over The City That Never Sleeps. Dusk had arrived and bathed them in shadows and moonlight. The male lazed about the roof of the building, sitting down with one knee close to his chest, the other leg dangled freely in the air over the rooftop.

The female figure stood behind him in conflict, seemingly with herself. She fiddled with her hands, rubbing over the knuckles, then the cuticles of her fingers. She sighed in exasperation. "What is it?" The male asked, still gazing out into the city skyline. The woman sighed again. "You know what, Y/N." She spoke matter-of-factly. Y/N shrugged his shoulders, raising his arms up lightly before letting them fall back to his side, still not sparing the woman a glance. He had a love/hate relationship with New York, but late nights in the city always entranced him. Something about the stillness has gripped him. Though, tonight was different. A wicked silence had enveloped the city. the type of silence that would permeate in a horror movie right before the killer appeared.

Out of his thoughts, he felt the woman move next to him. Sitting down defeatedly; she raised a hand and tousled her raven hair, you could tell it was dyed as blond streaks melted down from her roots. It was choppy, though still sat at her shoulders. It looked perfect on her. Y/N felt her blue eyes pierce into the side of his head, yet he continued to stare at the skyline, a small smile forming on his face. It turned into a smirk as she grabbed his jaw and forced him to look at her. "If you wanted to get closer, Gwen, you could've just asked." He mumbled sarcastically, before Gwen removed his mask, revealing his smirk to her. She rolled her eyes at that and released the hold on his jaw. Y/N stared at her features for a while. Spotting the septum ring that glinted in the moonlight, the one that she usually had to hide for her job, the macabre earrings that dangled from her ears, the various chains she usually had tucked under her shirt, and that ring she always wore on her left index finger. He finally met her gaze.

The two had met nearly 3 years ago, when Y/N was 17 and Gwen was 19, and still known as the Ghost Spider. Her resume was extensive. Bit by a radioactive spider during the Oscorp incident at 14, graduated from Midtown High at 16 and entered Columbia University right after that summer, while still kicking ass as a heroine. Somewhere along the line she decided that she could do more good as Gwen Stacy, rather than the Ghost Spider. Seeing the criminals that she'd caught be released in that very same week over and over was draining, and she would surely become less of a hero and more of a menace to the people if she attacked corrupt politicians, judges, officers, and lawyers head on. So, Gwen hung up the webs, and decided to root the corruption out from within; passing the mantle onto Y/N. She finished up her last year at Columbia and obtained a law degree, bouncing around a couple different law firms as a prosecutor and just recently becoming the youngest Assistant District Attorney in New York City.

Y/N got knocked out of his gaze into Gwen's eyes as she threw his mask back at him. He grabbed onto it, setting it down on his lap and staring into the red visors over the eyes. 2 years ago he was running around in a hoodie and jeans, now he had a full fledged costume. Though, he chose a darker aesthetic than Gwen for a reason. He was out there every night, beating criminals to a pulp, putting the fear of God into their hearts. But that's the only message he knew how to send, he was 20 years old, but still that kid that would only be heard when he blew up and let wrath control him. The rancid violence would only fester in the New York underworld through his actions. Gwen tried to guide him but it was fruitless, she would never give up on him but she had to focus on what she could change in the now. She had to be the hope to a hopeless city, she had to guide them to a better future.

Which led them to now.

"Tonight's the night." Y/N spoke to Gwen flatly. It wasn't the time to joke around anymore. After nearly 3 years working with Gwen, Detective Murdock, Investigator Watanabe, and even Frank Castle: Salvatore Scaletta, the biggest mobster in New York since Lucky Luciano was in police custody. He was to be escorted via an armed convoy to Rikers Island. Every jackass with a gun and a tracksuit would be hunting for Y/N tonight. And if they didn't get him, then the rest of Scaletta's burnt out mobsters in Armani suits that hadn't been arrested had a good chance. But nothing would stop Ol' Sal from getting to Rikers, Y/N would see to that. He knew how much it meant to Gwen.

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