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The crimson liquid spills onto the floor, the room lit by a dim red bulb. Silvija stands opposite Herman, tied down by chains locked around his ankles.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to see you suffer for what you did to my father."

Herman shook his head and yelped as Silvija pulled the knife out of his shoulder. "He killed my daughter! My own flesh and blood!"

"By that logic; Wilson Fisk and Joshua should've been killed by your own hands."

"I was waiting for the right time! Work for one of the fuckers you want to kill so that you two can work together to kill the other fucker you want dead so you can kill the fucker you're working for."

"Liar. Not only did you kill my father, you mutilated him. I - I couldn't even recognise him."

Herman bit his tongue and prepared for another punch from Silivja but it didn't come. "Look, Silvija, it wasn't to hurt you. He was apart of the group of sick bastards that killed Ella and I had to take revenge."

Silivja didn't mutter another word, simply walked off out of the room.

Herman hung his head low, looking down to the concrete floor. He wasn't sure how many days it had been. Whether it was hours, weeks, months. The constant feeling of dehydration scratching at his throat as did his desperation for escape.

Everytime he was left to his own, he would stand up and to pass the time, scratch the walls until blood spilled.

The only thing keeping him company was his thoughts, and his desire for revenge.


"Oh, come on!" Y/N shouted, pushing Ned. "That's fucking disgusting!"

"You asked me?!"

"Cause Kate wanted me to!" Y/N gagged and stood up, placing his hands on his hips. "I didn't want to hear about your Chinese chopstick entering Cassie, believe it or not! All you had to say was that, 'I'm having sex with Cassie, there'. All you had to say!"

"Don't call it a Chinese Chopstick, that's my nickname for it! And I thought you wanted specifics!"

"Oh, yes, of course I did. Oh, Ned, what positions did you fuck in? Did you slip your fingers in or did you dress up as Johnny Sins and put her in the washing machine?!

"We did doggy -"

"No! Fuck! Bro, last year we literally built lego sets! Now you're here getting your dick wet!"

"Don't act like you're all innocent! You kissed Kate!" Ned countered, pointing his finger at Y/N.

"Yes, k-i-s-s-e-d! I didn't bend her over the couch and ram my penis into her!"

Y/N walked into the kitchen and grabbed a can of Pepsi, taking a sip.

"It wasn't the couch!" Ned replied. "Look, you're overreacting. I had sex, it's finished. I can't change what happened but I seriously do like Cassie. For the first time in a while I'm happy, man. Surely that should matter more than what happened."

"Only just." Y/N said while he chuckled, walking towards Ned. "Sorry, man."

The pair embraced, patting each other on the back. "I forgive you. It's fine."

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