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The pair stared each other down, mentally preparing for the fight. The old friends stood still for a minute until...

Fisk went flying into the doorway, landing by Herman's feet. Spider-Man stood opposite Herman, his suit still tattered and the white spider logo covered in blood by their previous encounter.

Herman chuckled and went to step past Fisk who grabbed Shocker by the ankle, lifting him up in the air and chucking him towards Y/N.

Spider-Man took the opportunity to pounce, leaping onto Herman, shooting two web lines at the ceiling and pulling himself onto Herman's chest.

Herman blasted Y/N up to the ceiling, the Web-Head smacked his back on the ceiling harshly before falling back down onto Herman.

Fisk stumbled up to his feet and walked out of the room, leaving the two enemies to fight amongst themselves.

Herman growled as he realised Fisk escaped. He jumped up and sprinted after Wilson, Y/N still in close pursuit.

Fisk jumped into a limousine, drifting off into the wind. Herman used his concussion blasters to shoot himself in the air, propelling himself forward.

Y/N swung close behind, his bloodlust not yet fulfilled. New York traffic was ultimately Fisk's downfall as Herman reached the limo.

Unfortunately, Y/N was still bloodlusted and zipped down to Herman, picking him up by the waist, leaping onto the trunk of the limo and throwing Herman by the sidewalk.

He jumped car to car and reached Herman, picking him up by his shirt and slamming him on the hood of a parked car.

Shocker kicked Y/N in the gut and slid off the hood, uppercutting Y/N with his blaster which sent the teen flying into the graveyard.

Y/N kept his face in the dirt as Herman leaped a fence, prepared to finally end the rivalry between the pair.

The teen showed resilience and stood up, too, prepared for a fight to the death.

"You're letting the Lord of Crime, The Kingpin, go!" Herman shouted, waving his hand behind to where Fisk was.

"You killed my best friend." Y/N mumbled.

Herman merely chuckled at the y/h/c teen. "You're just like the rest of the vermin in this city. I'm glad I killed your fat fucking friend."

Y/N clenched his fists, anger overflowing his thoughts.

He sprinted towards Herman and slid underneath the adult's legs, kicking him in the back. Herman stumbled and fell, hitting his head on a gravestone.

Y/N took the opening and mounted Herman's back, elbowing him in the back of the head.

Shocker unsheathed a knife from his boot, stabbing the occupied Y/N in the thigh.

He yelped in pain, sending two hooks to Herman, the mask breaking into three pieces.

The pair began wrestling on the floor, throwing punches and kicks. "He fucking deserved it!" Herman shouted, the bloodlusted Y/N getting in a top mount position.

Y/N dug his thumb into Herman's left eye, the adult screaming in pain. He shot Y/N away with his blaster, the teen rolling and stopping by a gravestone.

Ned Leeds


"Forever gone, forever in our hearts"

Y/N's anger reached its peak, nothing but murder on his thoughts. The injured two enemies stood up, Y/N took the knife out and twisted it in his hand.

They both rushed each other, Y/N slid before reaching Herman, slicing his upper thigh and stabbed Herman's ankle.

The adult collapsed to the floor, exhaling in defeat. Y/N stood triumphantly over Herman, knife still in hand.

"Do it, then." He muttered, looking up to the heavens which had opened up.

"No... death is too easy for you. You deserve something worse than that." Y/N threw the knife in the dirt, webbing Herman to the floor. "I know you didn't kill your daughter, but I'd rather be dead then have a father like you."

Y/N walked away and crouched by the grave, a smile crept onto his lips.

Ben L/N


"With great power..."

Y/N placed a hand on his Uncle's grave before succumbing to tiredness and exhaustion...


Y/N layed on the couch, nothing but his underwear on. A bandage was wrapped around his torso, stitches in his face, a cast around his foot and a bucket full of vomit beside him.

The raven haired teen entered the room and lightly smiled at Y/N. "Okay?" She asked.

He nodded and held his ribs in distress. "I think I should've killed him."

Kate shook her head and cupped Y/N's face. "You made the correct choice." Said Kate, a light smile still placed on her face. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The feline rappelled down the skylight, landing on the wooden floor. Her silky silver hair whipped in the air as she swayed her hips, making her way to the safe. "Bingo."

She took out her UV light, fingerprints placed on the four numbers - 5 - 2 - 7 - 9.

The safe beeped and green light shone at her, inside a bag of jewellery and a bundle of cash. She smirked and placed her index finger on her ear.

"No jewellery, only cash." She fibbed.

Fisk grunted in annoyance. "Take it to Aaron, consider it an apology. Congrats Black Cat, remember; keep close to Harry when he starts school."

"I'll keep him 'occupied'." She said with a smirk. Fisk simply chuckled and hung up, looking up to Joshua.

"Send your most trusted men to keep an eye on Herman, Poindexter will keep us updated on his movement."

"With Aaron out of action... should I call The Hunter?"

Fisk nodded. "It's no big rush, although, recommend he gets here soon."

Joshua left the office, leaving Fisk by his lonesome. He grabbed a picture of Norman and himself with each other, the celebration of Norman's takeover of Stark Industry.

Y/N woke up with his legs tangled with Kate's, the pillows ruffled and his hair knotted. "Oh..." Was the only word he could say as the events of last night came back to him.



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