(39) snow way out part 2

893 26 6

Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n / Strax pov

As everyone went inside a thought occurred to me.

y/n / Strax : "if the hunters are planning on trying to steal a tooth, then it would be wise to have someone wait outside..."

Gently grabbing Stormfly's tail she turned her head to look at me with a confused expression on her face.

Stormfly : "y/n? What's wrong?"

y/n / Strax : "I've a bad feeling about this... I'm going to stay outside the cave and guard it from hunters, if you need help just call."

Stormfly takes a second to think before she nods in confirmation and heads in. Quickly lay down and cover myself with snow to hide and ambush the hunters should they show themselves. Unfortunately, my hunch was correct... As soon as the riders went a fair way into the cave, I saw multiple hunters cresting the hill along with an unfortunately familiar hunter who now had a prosthetic arm as well as a sword and shield, along with Windshear and Heather who followed right behind him. A smaller group of hunters broke off from the main group with their bows ready; thankfully they were quickly dispatched by the dragon riders who, thanks to windshear being noisy on the ice, were tipped off. Unfortunately, however the lead hunter went into the cave alone...

y/n / Strax : "excellent~"

Quickly charging a volley of dragon bolts in my wings I prepared to strike, unfortunately the heat from my wings melted some of the snow around me entering my chest vent making me cough... unfortunately that didn't help.

y/n / Strax : "well it's *cough* now or never!"

Firing a volley of dragon bolts i hit a few hunters but unfortunately Heather dodged by hopping on Windshear and flying into the air.

Hunter : "Ryker! We're under attack!!!"

The lead hunter who I learned was named Ryker quickly ran out with his weapon drawn and saw me, as he saw me his face turned from one of anger to a sadistic smile.

Ryker : "Well, it's good to see you made it out alive after all. Men! Handle the riders, this one is mine."

Quickly aiming my wing at the top of the cave entrance I fired a blast of dragon element making the snow cascade down in front of the entrance. As the snow came down i saw the riders try to rush out to help me but they thankfully were not fast enough, the last thing I saw before the snow completely filled the entrance was Stormfly and Toothless trying to get through.

y/n / Strax : "good... there safe, now where were we-"

Stormfly pov

As the snow fell down in front of the entrance to the cave Toothless and i quickly tried to get out of the cave to help y/n but we were too late as the snow filled the cave with darkness. Using my fire breath, I blasted the snow which started to melt some of the snow... but this would take a while even with everyone's help...

Toothless : "Stormfly we have to go! The hunters are here which means we need to go get the snowraiths!"

Stormfly : "we can't just leave them there! Not with all those hunters!!!"

Toothless : "I know we can't, but they just bought us more time, and the sooner we get done with this the sooner we can come back and help them."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang