(23) team Astrid part 3

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n /Strax pov

At Astrids announcement to stay at Berk everyone was surprised to say the least, while I expected something to come out of all of this I didn't expect that she would leave the edge...

Hiccup : "whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your staying here? When did you decide this?"

Astrid : "Last night, when I was talking to your father."

At that astrid looks behind all of us to Stoick who had somehow avoided being seen prior to this.

Stoick : "were warriors Hiccup. We live by a code."

Astrid : "I'm not leaving Berk defenseless again. I can't..."

Hiccup : "Astrid, one dragon wouldn't have made a difference."

Astrid : "I know that. Hiccup I'm going to stay and train new riders."

Hiccup : "what?"

Astrid : "an auxiliary, a backup team just for situations like this!"

Hiccup : "that's uh... actually a pretty good idea."

Then snotlout and hookfang decided to walk over to Hiccup and Astrid and offer to be a teacher for the new riders. Not wanting to listen to him, I walked over to stormfly.

Y/n /Strax : "have you come to the same conclusion that astrid has?"

Stormfly : "yes, I have."

Stromfly looked both resolved and slightly upset at her statement so I nodded in understanding.

Y/n /Strax : "I see, then I respect both of your decisions. If you need any aid then do not hesitate to ask."

Stormfly : "will do... and thanks y/n."

Y/n /Strax : "of course."

At that astrid walked over to stormfly.

Astrid : "hey stormfly come on, we need to go ask around to see if people want to join."


It had been a few hours since i talked to astrid and stormfly, i was taking a nap outside of the arena when i felt something climb onto me waking me up in the process.

??? : "WOO!!! Now this is what I'm talking about! Fanghook, come look!"

Astrid : "gustave what are you doing!?"

Looking around to the pressure that was now settled onto my back, I saw a young viking with a helmet similar to snotlouts who was apparently called gustave and a purple and red monstrous nightmare off to my side who looked both happy and concerned.

Gustave : "aww come on astrid! This guy will be the perfect dragon to ride! Aside from you, Fanghook."

Y/n /Strax : "OH HELL NO."

As astrid tried to rush over to me along with a group of other vikings I activated my jets and leapt off the side of the arena and into the sky doing barrel rolls to try to throw the would be rider off but much to my surprise he held on fairly well and was screaming... in excitement!?

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz