(38) snow way out part 1

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n / Strax pov

I was sleeping peacefully in the stables when I heard something outside. Groggily getting up i opened my eyes to see that the dragons were gone, looking outside it was late afternoon, i heard a commotion coming from Astrid's house and as i looked over there i saw Snotlout on the ballista, with the other riders and dragons on the ground using various weaponry to try to hit Hiccup and Toothless who had some form of armor.

y/n / Strax : "huh... that looks mildly entertaining."

Walking over there I saw a piece of Toothless's armor fly off into the water below and as he tried to dodge more the more armor came off until his entire underbelly was exposed. Snotlout with surprisingly good aim hit Toothless stomach with a paint filled arrow which turned his stomach an orange color.

Snotlout : "snotlout, snotlout, oi, oi, oi!!!"

Hiccup : "nice shot snotlout..."

As Hiccup said that Snotlout had an evil grin on his face as he fired another paint-filled arrow hitting Hiccup square in the chest much to his dismay, meanwhile me, the riders and the other dragons were trying our best not to laugh our heads off.

Hiccup : "oh come on... really?"

At Hiccup's reaction Snotlout simply laughed more earning him a small plasma blast from Toothless which hit the ballista knocking him back and off it making me laugh even more, not bothering to even try to contain my laughter this time. Eventually it started to get dark and for once i didnt feel all that tired...

y/n / Strax : "probably due to me sleeping all day. Oh well no harm done."

Eventually everyone went to the stables, well everyone aside from Steve who was strangely nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to ask where he was I saw Stormfly and Astrid walk out of the stables and knock over Snotlout making me chuckle which drew Stormfly's attention who smiled at me as I slightly blush and smiled back making Hookfang chuckle slightly.

Stormfly : "hey y/n, good to see you awake now."

y/n / Strax : "it is good to see you as well."

Hiccup : "astrid! You're back from Berk already?"

Astrid : "never made it there. I ran into trader johan on the way there and he had some interesting news... Hiccup we need to talk."

At that the riders went off to the clubhouse as the dragons and I headed into the stables. As the other dragons started to settle in for the night I went up to Stormfly and laid down next to her.

y/n / Strax : "so, if I may be so bold, what had Astrid so concerned?"

Stormfly looked over to me with a look of concern on her face.

Stormfly : "Johan said something about the dragon hunters buying a lot of cold weather gear and that they were looking for a rare bone, or spike or something."

At that the rest of the dragons turned their attention to Stormfly in concern.

Toothless : "wait... you don't think there is after a snowraith tooth do you?"

Stormfly : "that was my guess..."

y/n / Strax : "pardon my intrusion but, what's so important about a tooth of all things?"

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now