(37) rest and relaxation

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y/n / Strax pov

stormfly : "what... happened to you?"

y/n / Strax : "... another elder dragon..."

Hookfang : "Wait like that Cham guy?"

y/n / Strax : "in a... way yes..."

Toothless : "what do you mean "in a way"?"

At his question I looked at Toothless and simply gestured to myself and all the damage I had received making the riders and dragon's cringe.

Toothless : "oh... that looks really bad..."

y/n / Strax : "you have no idea... now if you'll excuse me i believe i need a rest after today..."

Walking further into the stables I made my way back to my usual spot and turned so that my back was to the riders and their dragons as I lay down. Closing my eyes, I suddenly feel something cold on my fresh wounds making me jump slightly as I quickly look to the source, finding it to be some of the riders attempting to put some kind of medicine on my wounds as well as clean them, mainly Hiccup, Fishlegs and Astrid.

Hiccup : "Easy big guy, we're just trying to clean your wounds. We'll let you rest after, ok?"

Astrid : "yeah... i don't know what you said exactly but you look pretty beat up..."

Letting out a long sigh I lay back down and allow them to continue even if I may not need it due to being an elder dragon... the thought was nice... the rest of the riders tended to their dragons and the ones who weren't being tended to slept of tried to help the riders all aside from Stormfly who walked up next to me and laid down with her back to my back making me blush slightly in the process.

Stormfly : "hey y/n?"

y/n / Strax : "yes?"

Stormfly : "are you ok?"

y/n / Strax : "what do you mean? If you are referring to my health, then I can assure you I will recover swiftly."

Stormfly : "no... well yes, but you've never just... gone back here and turned your back to everyone... So, I figured I'd ask is all."

y/n / Strax : "ah... I suppose that's true... *sigh*... no... not really."

Stormfly : "wanna talk about it?"

y/n / Strax : "... I'd rather not... at least not with everyone here... but... do you wish to talk?"

Stormfly : "what do you mean?"

y/n / Strax : "well... I heard about your... mate passing away a while ago... and I don't know if it's a touchy subject, however I would like to return the favor to you, if you wish to that is..."

As I told her I knew of her prior mates passing, I could feel her tense up slightly before relaxing.

Stormfly : "hehe... Id.... I'd Like that... but not with everyone here."

y/n / Strax : "understandable. I suppose we shall have to have a more... secluded talk later."

Stormfly : "That would be nice... Well, I'm going to hit the sack, mind if i... sleep here?"

As she asked that my face lit up as red as my dragon element, however she thankfully didn't notice because I had my face turned away.

y/n / Strax : "o-of course... you needn't ask for my permission; it is your base."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now