(26) night of the hunter's part 1

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n / Strax pov

It's been about a week since I woke up and things have been boring and dreadfully slow. The dragons and their riders have made me stay in the stables while I recover so that I don't reopen my injuries. I hated being in such an enclosed space for so long. I wanted to fly and relax in the open, not be kept in one small cramped place for so long... My discomfort had been noticed by the dragons and their riders and to try to alleviate it they came to visit me, bringing me food and water while they told me of their pasts, which to their credit was somewhat entertaining. They told me that Steve was resting in the arena and was almost fully healed by now. I was also healing quickly due to being an elder dragon, I could use my jets thankfully, but I still couldn't generate enough thrust to fly, at least not without the burning pain coming back. I was laying down in the stables, bored out of my mind as the dragon riders had gone to do whatever they needed to do. They flew off a few hours ago into a large storm which was somewhat odd because they left in a hurry. Deciding to go out for a bit I got up and walked outside the stables and walked all around the edge when eventually the dragon riders came back with astrid but no Stormfly... they quickly took her to her house and I decided to follow. Looking in through a window I saw that Astrid was unconscious in her bed with the other riders and the palico around her when suddenly she jolted awake.

Astrid : "*gasp* Stormfly!"

Hiccup : "Hey, it's ok, it's ok. Just try to relax Astrid you've had a tough night."

Astrid : "nononono, no, you don't understand. They were all in cages and they have Stormfly!"

Hiccup : "whoa whoa whoa, slow down, cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there?"

Astrid : "dragon hunters..."

As Astrid said this everyone gasped whereas I just let out a low growl in anger indirectly making myself known in the process, making them look to Astrids window before turning back to astrid.

Hiccup : "dragon hunters?"

Astrid : "a whole fleet of them."

Hiccup : "And they have Stormfly?"

Astrid : "yeah... this big, ugly one. Oh! When I get my hands on him."

Fishlegs : "and welcome back."

Hiccup then turns to look at the palico.

Hiccup : "Those sound like your hunters?"

Hiccup said that with a slight bit of anger in his voice making the palico jump slightly.

Palico : "n-no, or at least that doesn't sound like what they would do."

y/n / Strax : "for once the vermin and I agree. Monster hunters do not keep their quarry alive for long, much less keep them in cages."

The riders looked to the palico for a translation as he explained what I said, though in an annoyed way.

Hiccup : "ok then, that kinda clears things up a bit."

Astrid : "Come on guys we have to go save her."

As Astrid says this she rushed out of bed and down a set of stairs as she called out Stormfly's name before popping her head back up to check if everyone was coming.

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now