(19) fuzzy frenemies

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


authors note : hello everyone, I'm going to be taking a short break from writing because I'm going on vacation, but ill be back with more soon :) so stay safe out there.


y/n / Strax pov

As I hover above the ship thoughts race through my mind while I look at the ship.

y/n / Strax : no... no no no, they can't be here surely. I flew for days without stopping at max speed!!! THERE'S NO WAY THEY CAN BE HERE!!!

As I stay there paralyzed from shock and dread I am suddenly ripped from my thoughts by the dragon riders.

Toothless : "hey y/n you ok?

y/n / Strax : "no... none of us are..."

Stormfly : "what do you mean? Does it have something to do with that ship?"

y/n / Strax : "yes... there are the ones who pushed me out of my home..."

Landing on the deck of the ship the rest of the dragons follow and everyone looks shocked at the scene that seems to have unfolded. Corpse's strung about the deck of both hunters and Dagur's fleet, holes in the ship, and anything and everything of value was taken. As I look around the ship something darts off deeper into the ship, rushing after it i grab it before it can escape into the lower areas.

y/n / Strax : "a palico..."

Meatlug : "what did you find y/n?"

Turning back to the group I present the palico to them, still holding it in my mouth so it doesn't escape.

Snotlout : "... a cat? What's a cat doing out here!?"

Palico : "I'll have you know I'm much more than just a cat!"

Everyone : "IT TALKS!?!

Palico : "yes i talk! Now who are you all and what are you doing with those monsters!? Are you with the guild?"

Hiccup : "My name is Hiccup and these are my friends and their dragons, were the dragon riders."

Upon hearing Hiccup's explanation the palico looks extremely confused as it tries to escape my grasp.

y/n / Strax : "enough! Where are the rest of the hunters! Your kin is rarely without them."

Palico : "they're all dead i swear! We were attacked by someone with red hair and lots of scars! We were an exploration party only armed with minimal weapons and hunters!"

Hiccup : " that sounds like Dag- wait you can talk to the dragons?!"

At this revelation everyone stood there in a stunned silence as they all looked at the palico, to one another, and then finally to me.

Fishlegs : "this is amazing! If we can talk to the dragons we can learn so much about them!"

y/n / Strax : "oh for the love of Fatalis you just had to speak in their tongue!? Now they'll be insufferable to live with..."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now