(3) hostel talks

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y/n pov

Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = "slanted"

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n pov

As i sleep i feel a pressure against my shoulder making me stur slightly causing me to open my eyes a small bit before recognising who it was and jumping to my feet and readying my a volley of dragon bolts and aim my cannons at them.

y/n : "come to finish me off while i sleep? I'd come to expect that from your masters but not from you both."

Toothless : "we didn't come to fight!!! We just want to talk"

Caught off guard by his statement I slowly begin lowering my wings and stop charging the bolts of dragon energy. I glance between them quickly before finally speaking

y/n : "alright then... what have you come to talk about..."

Stormfly : "we wanted to ask about why you attacked us?"

y/n : "I did not attack you. I attacked those wretched creatures upon your backs. Why you even allow them to live is beyond me, much less call them your friends."

Practically hissing as I speak I sit down so as to not have them mistake my irritation for a possible attack. As I sit down the both of them relax slightly though they still are clearly on edge.

Toothless : "So why did you attack them?"

y/n : "isn't it obvious? Their humans... They can't be trusted. All they have ever done is hunt, kill and take."

Toothless : "not these ones! These ones are good and we can prove it to you!"

y/n : "and tell me, how exactly do you intend to do that?"

As I ask that they look at each other for a moment and nod.

Toothless : "They're going to come back tomorrow, just try to play along with them and they can help you. You're clearly hurt and they could help you to heal at the very least."

Pausing for a moment I tap one of my claws on the ground repeatedly, as I consider my options.

y/n : i could simply eviscerate them if they try anything funny, though if they don't that would mean that i would have to allow humans to touch me and tend to me... as unpleasant as that sounds i do need the help...

"Fine, I'll go along with your humans game, but if I sense that anything is off I will KILL all of you."

Stormfly : "we can work with that."

y/n : now, was that all you wished to discuss with me or may i be left in peace?"

Toothless : "y-yea that was everything, i guess we'll see you later then."

y/n : "that we will..."

As they walk off I glance around my surroundings seeing if there's anywhere better to sleep than just clearing in the middle of a forest. As I study my surroundings I spot a high cliff that looks like it could support my weight and I jump up there with a quick flash of dragon element, as I latch onto the ledge I pull myself up and begin to make a matted down area of grass to lay down on.

y/n : tomorrow will be interesting, that is for certain...

As I lay down I begin to think of what may happen tomorrow as I drift off into sleep.

Toothless pov

As me and Stormfly walk back to the edge we walk back through the forest and think about our encounter that we just had with the large silver dragon.

Toothless : "well... that went better than expected."

Stormfly : "yeah, i expected him to just shoot us on sight and not even let us speak."

Toothless : "yeah... well we have an eventful day ahead of us so let's try to get some sleep."

Stormfly : "agreed, night Toothless i'll see you tomorrow."

Toothless : "Night Stormfly."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now