(30) the zippleback experience part 2

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n /strax pov

y/n / Strax : "what's not good vermin?"

Palico : "well for starters this has information on all kinds of monsters that wield dragon element as well as just general information on some of the hunters guilds workings however old they may be..."

y/n / Strax : "so we have information on the hunters guild? That sounds like a very good thing to me~"

As i say that i wickedly grin making the palico cringe in response as well as keep a bit more distance from me.

Barf : "Anything on how we can help y/n?"

As barf said that the palico looked from them to me and after a moment looked at the slowly swirling red images on the wall for a bit before eventually speaking.

Palico : "nothing set in stone but there does seem to be a legend that mentions a monster that developed a higher tolerance to dragon element but it doesn't say how or even what monster it was."

Belch : "So there is a way! We just have to find out how that monster did it and then we can save you!"

y/n / Strax : "while the sentiment is nice i doubt it's actually possible... after all it is just a legend, and on top of that I've heard of many monsters succumbing to dragon element and all who did, never survived."

Barf : "It's a start!"

Belch : "right, and who knows this legend might be real!"

I take a moment to look at Barf and Belch as well as the other dragons who had walked in without me realizing it. As they looked at the images, they looked so full of hope...

y/n / Strax : I'll indulge this little fantasy for now... id rather not have them mourning my inevitable death before I'm actually gone... "fine... let's see what we can turn up."

As I spoke Barf and Belch along with the other riders and dragons who were present had large smiles and were generally happy about it, however the palico looked over to me as I stopped my jet and walked outside the clubhouse and out of earshot. Eventually I went off to the stables and just watched the ocean waves crash against the rocks. Seeing the dazzling blue sea always calmed me whether it was flying above it or just enjoying the view. Eventually I hear the sound of small paw steps on wood behind me.

Palico : "you just said that so they wouldn't be disappointed didn't you?"

y/n / Strax : "you're surprisingly sharp for vermin... they've no reason to concern themselves with my inevitable demise. After all they've known me for what? A month? Maybe two? They managed this long unaided, plus Steve seems rather content to live with the riders for the rest of his days so they can ask him for aid if they really need it once im gone..."

Palico : "something tells me that they won't feel like that. Take if from someone who's lived with humans for most of his life hot wings, they get attached quickly."

y/n / Strax : "while that may be they can survive on their own just fine... I hope..."

Palico : "Well, well, well, look at that! Elder dragons can have a heart after all."

y/n / Strax : "shut it vermin... I hate you."

Palico : "the feelings mutual hot wings."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now