(16) the next big sting part 1

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n pov

It's been a few days since Heather and Windshear left and the gang has been busy as per usual, patrolling, gathering resources or attempting to train dragons. I was on the top of the mountain laying down in my new nest that I had made using some of the trees I uprooted as well as some plant life from around the island. Everything was very peaceful as the cool mountain wind brushed past my scales until distant wing beats came into ear shot. Looking up to what is causing the noise I spot the riders all heading towards an island that has strong gusts of wind.

y/n / Strax : "what are they doing? Maybe I should see what they are up to now, though it doesn't seem like it's a mission of any kind... eh, why not."

I get up from my nest and stretch before flying towards where the other riders are. I land next to the dragons and their riders with a thud as my talons impact the ground.

Hookfang : "oh hey y/n, you're just in time for the show."

y/n / Strax : "oh? And pray tell what that might be?"

As I ask that Hookfang nods over to Hiccup, who does indeed have something strapped to his back that looks like... wings!? My eyes widened at this realization in shock and partial amusement.

y/n / Strax : "surely, he jests? Humans cannot fly by themselves, and that looks like a piece of scrap metal with fins on it."

Stormfly : "says the one who doesn't even have normal wings."

y/n / Strax : "and yet I can still beat all of you in a race~"

Toothless : "We haven't seen that yet, but I do think it would be fun to have a race!"

As the dragons and I are talking, Hiccup begins to step closer to the edge.

Astrid : "What are you planning on doing?"

Hiccup : "jumping. Unless someone has a better idea?"

Astrid : "ugh, boys..."

Toothless : "this is not going to end well..."

Hiccup : "guys relax. Feel that updraft? That's why I chose this place. It'll pick up my winds and I'll be floating on a bed of air."

As he says that hiccup pulls a string which makes the wings flare out to each side, or it would have if it didn't get partly stuck while in the process causing hiccup to try to fix it by tugging on it.

Snotlout : "or crashing on a bed of rock."

y/n / Strax : "I agree with Toothless. This isn't going to fare well... hopefully it will at least be amusing."

Hiccup : "ok everyone. Dragonfly 1 maiden flight."

Hiccup then leaps off the cliff face. His fall slowing temporarily due to the crude wings but then plummeted downwards as his wings did not give him enough lift to maintain a glide. After a few seconds toothless rushes off the side of the cliff and catches hiccup and the wings as they all collide with a lake at the bottom of the cliff, causing me to nearly explode with laughter. Eventually they make their way back up to the rest of the group completely drenched from the fall.

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now