(4) trust exercises

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y/n pov

Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


Hiccup pov

After a good night's rest I excitedly hurried to get ready for today and quickly thought of some techniques to try to train this new dragon. As I got ready I looked over to where Toothless was sleeping. He had stayed out longer than he usually did and was clearly a bit tired from whatever he did last night.

Hiccup : "hey bud, you doing ok?"

Toothless let out a small hum of reassurance as he stretched and got up. I grabbed his saddle and got it on him as we continued our normal routine albeit a bit faster than normal. Once we were ready we flew down to the club house where everyone already was.

astrid : "So what's the plan hiccup? How are we going to train this thing?"

Fishlegs : "and what are we going to call it?"

Hiccup : "Well from what we've seen it's clearly aggressive so I think it would be best if we tried to approach it calmly and show it that we are not a threat. And as for its name... why not valstrax?"

Astrid : "works for me"

Ruffnut : " sure, sure, but how about instead~~~ we could go in blasting and get revenge for attacking us!!!"

Everyone in the room looked at ruffnut in irritation and confusion before continuing their prior conversation.

Hiccup : "Anyways, we should get some fish and some dragon nip ready." This will probably be hectic.

*small time skip*

After gathering some fish and some dragon nip the team mount up on their dragons they all fly down to where the valstrax was last seen. Looking around they see where it originally was with some small traces of blood on the ground. It was still a deep red color albeit slightly more faded due to coagulation.

Hiccup : "Ok guys, we need to find this thing quickly. We don't know what kind of damage this thing could do on its own."

Snotlout : "oh i think we know what kind of damage it can do"

Snotlout said as he was thinking about getting shot off of hookfang. As he was thinking about it he tightened his grip on hookfangs horns slightly making hook fang look up at his nervous rider. Letting out a small sigh hookfang pressed onwards with the others.

y/n pov

It was another pleasant day on this island as the sun warmed my scales as the waves in the distance crashed against some rocks and the beach. As I was peacefully sleeping, I slowly awoke to the sounds of human and dragon voices alike.

y/n : looks like that dragon and wyvern were telling the truth about them coming back... " i suppose i should show myself."

As I say that I begin to get up and stretch as I inhale deeply before jumping down from my temporary nest and landing with a loud thud as my claws hit against the soft dirt drawing the attention of the dragons and their riders.

y/n : it's still baffling how these dragons can simply allow humans to ride on their back...

As they saw me, I stood in a defensive manner as they approached. The one called hiccup got off of the black dragon and proceeded to slowly walk over to me with his hand outstretched and a fish in his hand. He was so tiny compared to me, it wouldn't take more than a claw swipe and he would probably die almost instantly.

Hiccup : "hey there big guy"

As he said that he outstretched his hand towards me offering me the fish. Sniffing the fish I couldn't smell any sedatives in it, I glanced over to the black dragon and the colorful wyvern and the both of them nodded for me to take it. Seeing this I hesitantly take the fish out of the small humans hand and eat it causing the rest of the dragons and their riders to look at me with both awe and caution.

Hiccup : "there we go big guy, nothing to be afraid of."

The other larger human called fishlegs got off of his dragon and began to walk over as well, seeing this i begin to charge a blast of dragon energy and pointing my wing at him, making him release a small scream. Seeing this all the other dragons began to growl.

y/n : "back up or i blast your head off, unlike last time."

As I say that all they hear is a high-pitched shrill sound but all the dragons become increasingly alarmed.

Hiccup : "uh fishlegs maybe you should back up."

Toothless : "what are you doing?! This isn't what we had agreed!"

As Toothless says this all the other dragons aside from stormfly look at Toothless.

Dragons aside from toothless, stormfly and y/n : "WHAT!?!"

y/n : "no our deal was that i would allow you to show me how these humans are different, however i never said more than one at a time."

Upon seeing both mine and the dragon's reaction fishlegs slowly backs away and gets onto meatlug. Looking down at Hiccup he also had begun to back up. Seeing this I stop charging the blast in my wing and put my wing back in a resting position.

Toothless : "that's... true... but you have to give them a chance!"

Stormfly : "Yeah!!"

y/n : "I am. I haven't killed them yet."

Seeing the conversation that me, the black dragon and the colorful one were having the others began putting everything together and began backing up.

Hookfang : "Wait, hang on what is going on here!?"

Toothless : "long story but essentially they agreed to give hiccup and the gang a chance to prove themselves in exchange for being healed"

Meatlug : "Wait, if they're injured why did they attack?"

Toothless : "another long story."

While we were talking hiccup had gotten something out of the black dragon's saddle bag. It looked to be... grass??? Whatever it was it smelled nice as he held it in his hand and offered it to me. Seeing this I lowered my head to sniff his hand and as soon as I did a wave of calmness washed over me. Involuntarily slumping down slightly I began to rub my head against the grass in his hand.

Hiccup : "All calm now, big guy?"

y/n : "hehehe, yeah a bit~~~"

As he says that he begins to slowly walk back towards where they came from, and I follow him. The others see this happening and make some space for me to walk. We walk through the forest and up a ramp that led into a large pit with an open dome atop it. Walking down into it there were multiple storage boxes full of tools and other things and what appeared to be some odd-looking training dummies that had burn marks and scratch marks on them.

Hiccup : "here ya go big guy, this is the training room. You can rest up here for now."

As hiccup said that he placed the handful of dragon nip onto the floor which i eagerly rolled on.

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now