(24) rest and realization

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


Toothless pov

We had gotten Gothi from Berk and rushed her back to the edge. Flying into the arena we found a very injured y/n who was surrounded by the other riders. Hiccup and Gothi both hopped off of me as we all went closer. Gothi examined their chest where most of the damage was and then started writing in some sand.

Fishlegs : "Gothi says we need to get her some herbs, honey and some other ingredients."

Hiccup : "got it, everyone split up and look for whatever Gothi needs, meet back here once you have them."

The other riders agreed and then rushed to their dragons but just before we left i spotted some red liquid on the floor around their chest, taking a closer look at it it didn't look or smell like blood at all.

Hiccup : "What's up bud? We gotta hurry."

I gesture to the red liquid which for a second makes hiccup turn slightly pale before realizing something.

Hiccup : "That's not blood, is it bud..."

Toothless : "nope it's something else."

While hiccup can't understand me without our furry friend, he nods getting what i was saying... At least I hope he did. I lightly touched the red substance with my claw and as I touched it a searing pain went through my paw and a red lightning jumped from said liquid to me, I jumped back surprising Hiccup in the process.

Hiccup : "whoa bud! Look we'll figure this out later but for now we need to get going so we can help Strax."

I nod and rush out of the area with Hiccup as we fly off to try to get some of the materials.

*time skip*

The auxiliary riders and the rest of the gang had found most of the items Gothi had asked for with only a few being unaccounted for. Gothi hurriedly took all the items we gathered and shooed us out of the arena so she could work smacking Snotlout on the head with her stick as he went. Astrid was talking to the auxiliary riders about how she had decided to stay on the edge and that they would be berk's guard. We were all happy at the news for a bit before an uncomfortable silence washed over us all. Walking over to the other dragons we all knew what was coming.

Toothless : "so... I guess we should talk about what happened to y/n?"

Meatlug : "yeah... did anyone see what happened?

Stormfly : "kinda, i wasn't able to get all of it in the chaos of the battle but from what i saw it looked like y/n used more of that weird stuff they use to fly and attack and covered themselves in it and then Dagur hit y/n's chest a few time and then there was a big explosion."

Hookfang : "great, so we basically have nothing to go off of!"

Stormfly : "hey at least we have something! Did anyone else see anything?"

Stormfly looked all around to each of us but apparently none of us saw anything that might have helped and so we just sat there in silence for a bit before I had an idea.

Toothless : "Wait, didn't Dagur have some kind of book that told him a bunch of stuff about y/n's species?"

Meatlug : "yeah! Maybe he had it on him when he fell into the water!"

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora