(22) team Astrid part 2

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n /Strax pov

As I rocket over berk I pass by a small hut on the top of one of berks mountains spooking an elderly human as I fly. Speeding up I create a sonic boom as I fly towards the wilderness of Berk passing over an ocean of trees and flying a mountain that was behind Berk. As I fly up the mountain I speed up even more creating a second sonic boom even more powerful than the first as it shook some trees on the mountains violently. I eventually break through the clouds and shoot past the top of the mountain and begin to slow down. Eventually I stop once I'm hundreds of feet above the mountain's peak and gaze down at the island. It was a beautiful sight to behold with snow draping over the trees and the rocks that were higher up and slowly revealing more green as you went down the side of the mountain eventually ending at a small comparatively small village that held onto the coast of the island. As I gaze out over the island a sense of calm washes over me and I just hover there. Eventually I spotted something far, far off in the distance... It looked very familiar. Deciding to investigate I flew far above it and drew closer to it making sure not to make a sonic boom.

Y/n /Strax : "h-how did you even-?! You know what, I'm not going to question it."

It was a wyvern with golden scales that were razor sharp with a red line running down either side of it. It was a seregios. Looking closer I saw it was very injured and looked like it was going to pass out at any time.

Y/n /Strax : I'm about to do something extremely stupid aren't i...

At that I flew above the seregios where it could see me. As it saw me it suddenly stopped in its tracks and hovered in place adopting a defensive position... as best it could that is.

Seregios : " I thought that I was the only monster out here! what are you doing here and what do you want!"

Y/n /Strax : "as did i... as for your questions i am simply curious as to why a seregios like you is all the way out here. Don't you kin have a very strict territory?"

Seregios : "w-we do but that's none of your business!!"

Y/n /Strax : "I see... and it IS my business because you're currently flying over a place that is important to my... friends. And I do not wish for them to see your corpse falling from the sky."

Seregios : "oh yeah!? And how can you help!? It's not like we have any way to heal these injuries..."

Y/n /Strax : "while we may not i know some who do. However, you must make a promise to me before i take you too them."

Seregios : "oh yeah? And what's that!"

Y/n /Strax : "all i ask is that you don't attack them. Some of them are humans..."

At that the seregios looks at me dumbstruck at what i just said.


Y/n /Strax : "not these ones, they're not hunters, these ones are different! ... I cannot believe I just said that......."

Seregios : "good humans!? HA!!! Sure and I'm a kirin."

Y/n /Strax : "as absolutely daft as it sounds, it's true, they healed me after i escaped some hunters."

Seregios : "... you're serious!?!"

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now