(21) team Astrid part 1

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Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


Y/n / Strax pov

It was a few days after Hookfang beat the titan wing monstrous nightmare and it was a fairly peaceful night... Other than Toothless, Stormfly and their riders doing patrols over the island which they flew directly over my nesting spot to reach the other side of the island, over and over again... getting up from my attempt at sleep i watch as Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless and Stormfly fly over head for the ninth time. As they fly overhead, I give them an annoyed look as I watch them causing them both to nervously smile at me before hiccup shouts something about the twins as they all swiftly fly away.

y/n /Strax : "wonderful, just wonderful... what has happened now?"

As I watch them fly towards the arena I decide to follow after them. Activating my jets, I fly off to the arena where Toothless, Hiccup, Stormfly, Astrid, the twins and their dragon, as well as a large number of small black dragons and that pest palico... as i land all the smaller dragons turn to see me as well as the palico and the other dragons while the riders talked.

Hiccup : "uhhh... what are you two doing?"

Ruffnut : "what does it look like we're doing? Dragon training!"

Tuffnut : "we would think that you of all people would recognize that."

Toothless : "please tell me that this is a joke..."

As I look at the twins in confusion a thought enters my mind.

y/n /Strax : "that reminds me, you never did tell me what this joke thing is."

At that toothless looked from the twins to me and thinks in confusion for a second before seemingly reaching a conclusion.

Toothless : "huh, guess I never did... I'll explain it later but for now we should probably see what these two mutton heads are doing."

Y/n /Strax : "fair enough."

As I say we look back to the twins. As I look at them, I see the annoying palico hiding behind Tuffnuts leg,I let out a low hiss in annoyance upon seeing it making the palico further hide from me as the twins continued to explain what they were doing tuffnut put a small black dragon down on the ground.

Tuffnut : "shake!"

As soon as he says that the little dragon rolls over onto its back and begins shaking enthusiastically making Toothless, Stormfly, Barf and Belch, and the palico all laugh as i look on in disgust at the action while the riders resume talking.

Y/n /Strax : "have you no self-respect, little dragon?! You look absurd!"

Night terror : "but it's fun! Plus, they give me treats."

As I hear that I look at the small dragon in a stunned silence and the others laugh harder upon seeing my reaction to it.

Astrid : "These dragons are not our pets tuffnut, they're an integral part of our security system."

Tuffnut : "he can also solve math problems by stomping his foot, so long as the answer is always three!

Hiccup : "she has a point tuffnut, and you already have a pet."

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now