(38) snow way out part 1

Start from the beginning

Stormfly : "a snowraith tooth is the key to the dragon eye, and after they have that they'll probably come here and try to take it..."

y/n / Strax : "ah... that is bad... well let us not dwell on this, it will only make everyone more restless, besides more than likely we're going to handle it soon so let's try to get some rest."

Stormfly : "right. night everyone."

Toothless, barf and belch, hookfang, meatlug : "good night."

At that we all drifted off to sleep.

*time skip*

After waking up and getting something to eat we all flew off and headed to the island of the snowraith, glacier island. Flying over the sea I did a barrel roll enjoying the cool morning air against my scales. Thankfully the dragons were going faster this time so I wasn't as tired as usual from flying at such a slow speed.

Tuffnut : "hey can i ask a stupid question?"

Ruffnut : "sure you can, better than anyone I know!"

Tuffnut : "thank you sister!"

Ruffnut : "your welcome."

Tuffnut : "Hiccup, are we really trying to protect a dragon that the last time we saw it tried to kill us? From dragon hunters, who everytime they see us try to kill us?"

Ruffnut : "and heather and her dragon! Don't forget them they like to try to kill us to."

Astrid : "heather won't be a problem."

Fishlegs : "why wouldn't heather be a problem?"

Astrid : "just that we... we outnumber her! Right?"

At astrids statement i have a questioning look on my face as i slow down slightly to be next to stormfly to which she smiles at me slightly nervous.

Hiccup : "look heather or no heather all we have to do is find the snowraith first and relocate it to a different island where the hunters won't find it."

Ruffnut : "oh! That's all!?"

Tuffnut : "uh, that sounds like the sort of extremely dangerous plan I would come up with, even with Strax! and no I do not mean that as a compliment."

Hiccup : "i didn't think so, come on, let's head over to where we saw the snowraith last time."

Snotlout : "oh you mean where it found us..."

Hiccup : "That's one way of putting it."

Snotlout : "yes the only way."

After that we all landed on glacier island, it was cold... really cold tho that's to be expected from a place called GLACIER island... either way i activated my jets which heated me up more as Toothless started... doing something? It looked like he was roaring in each direction, walking over to him i watch him for a while before i eventually speak

y/n / Strax : "What in Fatalis name are you doing?"

Toothless : "I'm using echolocation."

y/n / Strax : "pardon?"

Toothless : "oh, i use sound to see my en-"

Using my paw I shut Toothless's mouth gently preventing him from continuing.

y/n / Strax : "i know what echolocation is, i was just surprised you could use it. It's a rare ability."

Toothless : "oh... thank you?"

(httyd x monster hunter, valstrax reader) speed unleashedWhere stories live. Discover now