~17~ Tweezers

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Posting early because I won't have time to do it tomorrow. Did I mention that December is hectic?🥴

Julianne's POV

"Holden, I'm annoyed with you," Kenna snaps from the kitchen table.

"Somebody usually is around here," Holden sighs as he comes from the living room and stands next to Kenna, crossing his arms in amusement.

"A presentation AND report in three weeks? You're a pain."

Holden nods, his lips twitching just a little as he shrugs. "Sorry," he says as he goes to the sink to start the dishes.

"Pretty sure you wouldn't say that to him if you weren't friends with Julianne, and he was just your teacher," Tate snips from the living room, and Kenna shoots him a death glare.

"Pretty sure nobody asked you!"

Holden shakes his head in quiet exasperation at the two of them. They've been bickering since we got home and even I'm getting annoyed.

Tate keeps his eyes forward as he gives her the middle finger and she scoffs. "Holden, he just flipped me off!"

Holden literally slumps his shoulders as he starts washing the glasses. "I'm losing my patience, you two."

"If she wasn't so obsessed with me and stopped staring at me all the damn time, she never would have seen my supposed finger telling her what she can do to herself."

"You're completely insane!" Kenna hisses.

"Tate, do it again and you're in trouble. Kenna, ignore him!"

"Unbelievable," Tate mumbles to himself as he goes back to the soccer game on TV.

Kenna turns to me and rolls her eyes. "I bet you just LOVE when he's not grounded, huh? Him being around the house all the time is grating on my nerves."

"You know what's funny, Kenna? This is MY house. Go back to your grandma's, you stupid bi....."

"Ok!" Holden interrupts as he slams the washcloth into the water so hard that suds splash up against the faded-yellow wall. "You two are done. Both of you get over here, now!"

"What the hell did I do? She won't leave me alone!" Tate argues from the couch.

"I swear if you make me start counting," he growls, causing both of them to stand up and walk over quickly. When they get to him, he waves his hand over the counter-filled sink.

"You know what? I'm sick of listening to this. You two are going to wash and dry every. single. dish. If you cannot quit fighting by then, I'll give you bathroom duty. Hell, I might have the cleanest damn house in this town by the time this day is over if you two do not stop. Grow up and figure out how to live with each other, because this isn't working for me."

Holden runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he starts to walk away.

"Ew! I'm not washing, Holden....These dishes are disgusting and I just got my nails done," Kenna gags.

Holden spins around with so much frustration, she takes a reflexive step back. "Kenna, your mom has given me permission to spank you, but I haven't felt comfortable. I'm telling you, I'm this close," he says darkly as he shows a tiny space between his thumb and forefinger. "Dry the dishes for all I care but you are doing them!"

Holden is big mad today!

She simply nods as she grabs a towel and looks at Tate, waiting for him to start washing. I figured he would start since he can tell Holden is annoyed, but he doesn't.

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