~16~ How About Sir?

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This is a shorter chapter than normal, so I am going to TRY to post another chapter if I can get it polished in the next day or two. Please don't hound me for another one though. December is hectic for me!

Holden's POV

Shortly after we eat dinner, I go into the kitchen and Sylvie is doing the dishes.

"I was gonna get those....." I say as I come up behind her and kiss her neck.

She gives me a smile as she goes back to them. "No it's okay...You cooked, I clean...."

Tate walks in then, and I turn to him. "We paused the punishment discussion, but let's start it again," I say softly as I give him a sad smile.

He sighs as he jumps up and sits on the counter, and lets out a cry. "Shit I forgot," he whines as he tries shifting from cheek to cheek to get comfortable.

"You've got an early bedtime for the next week."

"How early?" He asks darkly as he continues trying to get comfortable.

"8:30...So you have an hour before you're in bed."

"Holden, I haven't gone to bed at 8:30 since I was like, 7. You're being seriously harsh. Come on!"

"Seriously harsh is when I tell you I'm taking your phone and going through it, so you better pray there isn't anything you don't want me to see. Hand it over."

He shakes his head angrily and simply points to the table. I go over and take it, and put it in my pocket.

"You'll get it back on your birthday. Be thankful I'm being nice and will end your punishments then."

He's so completely unamused that he just stares at the broken tile on the floor as Sylvie silently cleans out the sink and starts wiping down the counter.

"I'm only going to lecture you for another minute, because I can tell you feel bad and I think you actually get it.....The drinking has to stop. Your disregard for other people has to stop. Helping her wasn't your responsibility, but it would have been kind and thoughtful. Be kind and thoughtful, Tate."

"Do I have to say 'yes sir'?" He snips quietly as he continues to glare at the floor.

"It'd be nice...Much better than Ernie, which you will never call me again."

His lips twitch slightly as he tries not to smile. "Can't promise that. Tatum makes me wanna rage."

"You wanna see someone rage, then keep calling me Ernie."

"Yes sir," he says with a small attitude and a half smile, and I smile back.

"Go clean your half of your room. It's a mess."

He jumps down and walks past me, rubbing his butt discreetly as he does. Once he's in his room, I turn to Sylvie and she bites her bottom lip.


"Can I call you Ernie?" She grins.

Those little buttheads

"Not on your life," I say darkly.

She chuckles as she stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck. "How about sir," she whispers seductively.

"Now we're talking," I grin as I pick her up and set her where Tate just was. She wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me deeply.

"Thanks for all you did this weekend," I say as I pull away and start kissing her neck.

"Thanks for understanding how big of a deal this was to me," she moans when I bite her earlobe, and then we stop talking for a bit as we have a fun make-out session.


Julianne's POV

A knock on our door takes me out of Mrs. Mike's world, and Tate pauses his cleaning.

"Can I come in?" Holden asks softly as he pokes his head in.

"Sure," I say

"Tate, take a break for a few, will ya? I want to talk to Annie."

I expect a sarcastic, rude remark, but he simply nods as he sets dirty underwear back down and walks out, his strides slow.

Holden comes over with a smile on his face and sits carefully on my bed. He sees my book and picks it up, studying it. "How many times have you read this thing?"

"Lost count"

"You feeling good about the project then?"

"The report, yeah....I don't want to present."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But I can't change it for you. It isn't that bad once you get going."

When I stay silent, he sets the book down and takes my hand. "Can we talk?"


"I.....Are you okay?"

"Yeah?" I say as I stare into his eyes, and I can't read them. I can tell his mind is going a million different directions.

He blows out a breath and gently pats my thigh, indicating for me to scoot over. When I do he lays down next to me, and it surprises me. It's the first time he's done that since we've lived here.

He lays his head on my pillow, and I follow suit by resting my head next to his. "Sylvie said that walking home kinda freaked you out. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

I rest my cheek on his shoulder and close my eyes. "I don't want to end up like those girls."

His body stiffens as he wraps his arms tightly around me and kisses my forehead. "You won't, sweetheart. I promise I'll keep all of you safe."

"Yeah, but you're not always with us, just like this weekend."

I feel him nod as he runs his fingers lightly up and down my arm. "That's why you guys need to obey the rules I have given you, no matter how dumb they seem. I'm not trying to keep you prisoner, I'm trying to keep you safe."

It's silent for a few minutes as I close my eyes again and snuggle deeper into his shoulder. "I realized something this weekend."

"What's that, Annie?"

"You make me feel safe."

His whole body stiffens, and I keep my eyes closed. After a moment, he wraps his arms around me even tighter and kisses my hair. "I love you, Julianne."

His voice sounds funny, but I'm getting drowsy so I don't open them to look. I just snuggle in more as I answer him. "I love you too."

I fall asleep, wrapped up in a different brother's arms. A brother I haven't snuggled with since I was a little kid.

A brother I didn't realize how badly I had missed, until this weekend.

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