~7~ Gilmore What?

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As we sit around the booth at the little restaurant, Holden is getting more and more uncomfortable when he realizes that he is running this show.

"Um, I made myself a list," he says awkwardly as he gets on his phone and pulls up his notes.

"Today we have to get the two of you enrolled in school... The principal is coming in at noon to do it for me. Is there anything you need that you left at home?"

"My life," Tate says as he stands up and heads to the bathroom.

Holden clears his throat and looks at me. "Jules, is there anything you weren't able to take that you're needing right now?"

I blow out a breath and shake my head. "Can I walk ho-...Back to the house?"

He watches me carefully as he takes another sip of his coffee. "Do you know where you're going?"

"Holden, I've seen Gilmore Girls enough to know that it would be impossible to get lost in a town as tiny as this."

"Gilmore What?"

"Never mind. Is it okay?"

"Yeah. Call me if you have any problems."

When I stare at him a little too long, he raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"...I don't have your number."

A weird look flashes across his face as he gets out his phone. "I don't have yours either, I guess."

He takes my phone away from me and puts his number in, and then texts himself so he has mine. I see him adding me to his contacts, and then he looks toward the bathroom. "I'll get Tate's number when he comes back. Go ahead and explore," he says with a small smile that isn't his crooked one.

I get up and leave, feeling instantly lighter when I'm by myself in the fresh air. I'm always alone, and right now I'm feeling completely drained. I've been around people nonstop for 24 hours, and I just realized that's a lot for me.

I walk down Dock Street, and immediately the salty sea air hits my face and I feel somewhat more comfortable. I wasn't really outdoorsy back home, but I enjoyed walking the beach once in a while.

I smile at a little girl holding her mom's hand, and she smiles lovingly at her daughter as they start skipping together, carefree.

I then see an older man grabbing his wife's hand when she gets a little too close to the edge to peek into the water.

This place is so filled with love I wanna puke....Or knock an old man into the ocean.

I spend a long chunk of time walking around, and I can feel my shoulders starting to burn. I'm almost always indoors, so my skin isn't used to this much UV.

When my phone starts to ring, it makes me jump. When's the last time I've had a call or text on this thing?

When I look at it, Holden's name flashes across the screen and I answer quickly.


"You doing ok, Annie? You've been gone quite a while."

"I'm fine. I'll start walking back now."

"Ok" he says quietly as he hangs up, and I look around to see where I am.

Crap! How do I get home?

I walk the other direction, but everything looks confusing. So much for a small town! I can't remember which road takes me to Holden's. I walk around for so long, my skin is really starting to burn.

I'm going to be sooo miserable.

I can't call Holden! He's going to think I'm completely stupid for getting lost in a town with no Walmart. What do I do?!?!?

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