Chapter Forty-Four

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Damon struggled to break free of the chains, going more furious. He screamed in rage.

Heels clicked down the cement, he knew that walk from anywhere.

"Ava! Let me out now!"

He heard her laughing, finally the fire lights glowed on her face.

"I own you Damon, and you do as I want"

Damon tried to lunge at her, but the chains stopped him.

"I want you to let your wolf side take over, and you can be my loyal dog"

Damon let out an anger grunt.

"I can't"

"Then you will rot in these chains, because even your wolf can't break loose. These chains are infused with magic, they are unbreakable"

Damon let out a scream, his body hotter than fire and growled as he shifted into the wolf. Everything pressed him to tare her apart, his wolf wanted to. The chains rattled on the walls, refusing to let him go. Damon shifted back into a human. The urge to kill her, turned away restoring deep inside him with his wolf.

Damon scoffed at her, "If you're not going to get me out, then leave!" Damon yelled at her.

She placed her fingers on his cheeks. Then turned away leaving him.

Will tried to stand tall, but standing next to Raiden, he felt small.

"Thank you all for coming today!" Raiden announced.

"So, what's the plan?" Cassy asked eagerly.

"So, our plan is to save Damon, my brother!"

"What about Ava?" Daisy asked.

Will shook his head. "She's too much of a risk with her soul gone. We save Damon, and he will help get her soul back"

Will and Raiden continued to talk. Slowly and clearly explaining the steps on saving Damon.

At night fall, they headed for the castle. They stopped in the clearing.

"Alright, this is where we strip our clothes" Raiden said.

Each of them removed their clothes until they stood completely naked under the moon. They marched on towards the castle. Will stayed behind.

"Stop! Who goes there?"

"I am Raiden, this is my wolf pack. The queen is expecting us"

The guard grinned. "Wolves don't wear clothes, or something?"

Raiden gave a short laugh. "Actually, we do, however it is impossible to keep clothes on our bodies after shifting, and since my pack and I just ran miles to meet with the queen in wolf from. We shifted into humans a few minutes ago, I didn't get around to going to the market to buy some clothes"

The guard stared dumbfounded at Raiden. Then stepped aside letting them through.

Will waited in the clearing near the castle. His stomach felt like it was doing flips, not because he was scared being out all alone, but his love for her was so strong. He still loved her, and he craved her, with every bone in his body.

He wanted to rush in and sweep her off her feet, but he couldn't. Not with darkness throbbing through her body. She would have his head the minute he stepped close to her. She still needed a King, someone to be by her side. He hoped it would be him, in his crown with the love of his life.

"I heard you have a wolf locked up" Raiden said.

He prayed the plan worked, and she wasn't dancing around their heads on steaks by morning.

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