Chapter Twenty-Two

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Moria held her belly, round with child. The boat moved swiftly across the calm ocean. Waves gently splashing with white ends, over the sides of the ship. Flags flapping in the light gentle breeze. Blue sky, baby blue, clouds scattered across with the sun high radiantly and warmly. Nothing but miles of ocean.

"We can't keep it" Moria said, hearing Captain James Wilson.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him. Kissing her cheek, soft and warm.

"You know love, I would understand if you wish to stay on the island and care for you child"

She glanced up at him, black, well-groomed hair, pulled back in a ponytail, reveal a skinny, charming face. Hollow green eyes, a scar from his eye to his chin, he stood tall, and strong.

"We have talked about this. My life is with you and the sea is no place for a child"

The ship docked, Captain James, tied the boat. Kissing his love, he wished her well. Promising her to wait for her.

Moria walked her feet ached with every step, her back throbbing. The time was almost near, one look at her beautiful child's face was all she would give herself. Queen Coraline greeted her with open arms. however, when Moria told her plans to give the child a life, one without magic, Coraline face dropped. She tired to change Moria's mind, but her mind was set.

"Are you sure? If you choose to give her a life off the island, are you going to step up as queen, if something shall happen to me?"

Moria took a deep breath, and let it out. "I am no queen. My life is the sea"

"So, then you have made your choice. If the day shall come, the child will return and take my place"

Moria nodded.

Her life wasn't meant to be queen, living on the sea, smelling the salty ocean every morning, following the stars and the sun. An grand adventure of the high seas, that was what was important to her. Even now, she could feel the sway of the ship on the rocking waters through her bones. The touch of her lovers embrace, his commands, and the rough touch of the wheel as it negatived though the waters. These were the things that she loved, and giving these up were not an option. Living on the island, only seeing her love when he visited for a short while, because as a captain leaving his ship and his crew wasn't in the cards.

Moria lay, screaming in pain sweating from head to toe. Midwives at her side, dabbing her face with cold cloths, urging to keep pushing. Coraline, called for a portaler. And when the child came out crying to the world, Moria refused to even glace at her child. She didn't want to fall in love, risk giving up everything for the small child, resulting in her own unhappiness.

Coraline took the child, and took her to off the island, leaving her on a church door step, knocking. A pastor opened the door, glancing down at the small child, with the child safe, Coraline returned to Acarida. Wishing Moria farewell, before she returned to the ship. 

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