Chapter Thirty-Four

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Tilly looked Raiden, he could see the pain in his eyes, even with the dim lighting from the torches.

"I am sure there a better thing we can talk about, things that won't cause pain" Tilly said.

"Life is about pain, but I am sure that there are much better topics then death"

Tilly took a step towards him, she wondered what it felt like to touch him. To feel his warm muscular body on her hands, on her own body, she wanted him to be close to her.

He smiled, noticing Tilly admiring him intensely. He was pleased that such a beautiful woman was almost drooling over him. He wanted to run his fingers through her long brown chestnut hair, it was knotted and untamed. He wanted to feel her soft fair skin, but he wasn't sure how she would react to his touch.

"I uh lost my train of thought" Tilly said losing herself in his eyes.

Raiden laughed, "Yes I can see that. So, you were put in here to get to know me, so go on get to know me. Get to know the man you want to save so badly"

"I intend to. I want to know everything about you. What was it like when you first shifted?"

Raiden scoffed. "That is what you want to talk about?"

Tilly smiled.

He took a long sigh. "Alright, well I was Nine when I first shifted into a Raven, feeling a sense of freedom. Then when I turned thirteen, I turned into a wolf. It was scary, one minute I was human, the next I was on all fours, it felt strange, I felt different. I ran into the woods, my senses were heightened, I could smell things I never smelled and hear things I never knew were possible to hear. When I returned home, I told my father all about what I had experienced, he cringed in fear. He told me the wolf wasn't something to be proud about, and that I must never turn again. I left that night, and turned back into the wolf. I vowed myself that I would never return and remain a wolf until I died. As I tread alone through the woods, a pack of wolves approached me forcing me to stop in my path. They told me to go with them and they were to be trusted. I had hope that they were like me, maybe they could understand what I was. So, I let them lead me into a den, it was underground and it was brightly lit with purple curtains all around and white pillows set up nicely on the floor for setting. It glowed with lit lamps all over. It was very welcoming. After all the wolves were inside, they transformed into humans, they all stood naked, their bodies so fit and strong looking, the woman were beautiful and skinny. I still remember them to this day. I turned into my human form. They asked me my name and the second I told them, a woman stepped through, she pushed aside the others and stepped in front of me, she stared at me for a few seconds. It was then she told me that she was my mother, I was angry. She had abandoned me when I was born, left me the night after my birth. My father had told me that she had being killed. I wanted to rip her throat out that second, but I didn't. She wanted to explain it all to me, and something inside told me to let her so I let her. She told me that she tried to hide the wolf from my father, but when she found out she was carrying me, she knew that I had the risk of getting the curse of the wolf and she couldn't keep that from him. I understood her reason. It was that night that she gave birth to me, she shared that she was wolf and my father told her never to come back. She was forced to leave me though because I was just a new born and she had nowhere to go. She wanted to come back to get me when she had found a home, but she was scared to come back. Scared that my father would kill her. So, she didn't. I understood why she did what she did. I ran with her and her pack for a long time, it was years, we were family. They explained to me about who I was, and they were there for me. It was until my mother and the pack ran into ogres in the woods and we got into a fight, it left my mother dead and a few others too, there was four wolfs left after the fight, they wanted me to stay but with my mother gone, I couldn't stay so I left the pack and ran on my own"

Tilly watched his lips move, they looked so kissable. So perfect, his bottom lip a little big then his top. She listened to his story, but ever so badly wanted to grab him and plant a kiss on his lips. She craved to feel his lips on hers. She could see his eyes welling up with tears, but he didn't let them fall, he looked away from her and took a long breath.

She moved towards him putting her hand on his side, he grabbed her and kissed her lips, it was better than she thought.

Damon knocked on the door, Tilly answered it; She smiled welcoming him inside.

"It is nice to see you again. Please come"

She closed the door behind him.

"Raiden, we have a guest. But I think our friend is in need of some clothes" She laughed.

He waited for a few seconds, until Raiden walked out holding some clothes over his arm.

"Damon? What are you doing here? Of course, you are welcome but the war"

He handed Damon a white tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He pulled the shirt of his head and pulled on the pants.

"It is going on, the war it is happening" Damon said as he followed Tilly and Raiden into the living room. He took a seat on a brown chair, leather and cold and Tilly and Raiden sat down on the matching sofa.

"I assumed you would be fighting, what happened Damon?" Raiden asked.

Damon sighed. "I was fighting, but I couldn't anymore. I didn't feel like I was me. I turned into my wolf from to fight better, but I felt strange like I wasn't me anymore. Even when I turned back, I could still feel the wolf. So, I turned into my crow from and flew here"

Raiden nodded and leaned forward, he put his hand on Tilly's leg.

"Damon, you have to not let the wolf control you; it wants to, it wants to take over your human part"

"How do I fight it?"

"Only you can know how to fight, the only catch is, will you be able learn to control it or will your wolf learn to control you?"

Damon gasped. "But sometimes, I can't control it, I turn without my will"

Raiden nodded. "Yeah, the wolf is strong Damon, but only you can fight it. You have to learn to tame it, all animals can be tamed Damon"

"How did you tame your wolf?"

Raiden sighed and looked a Tilly. "I tamed it with my love for my wife, the thought of losing her killed me"

Tilly smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"What happens if it takes over?"

"It will have complete control. You will feel everything the wolf does, in human from. Your crow will be gone and it will be you and the wolf. You will become cruel and cold. Nothing will matter not even Ava, you will crave death, and killing will be easy, if you have ever killed as a wolf then you know how it feels, that is your wolf side, it loves death. It is a curse to have the wolf as a shift. Some shifters are lucky, like a girl I met years ago, she was a fox and a dove. Each shifter is blessed with a land animal and a sky animal, but the wolf is the most feared of all shifters, the wolf is a curse. Werewolf's they only turn on full moons, which allows their wolf side to stay tamed, but shifters they have to learn to control their wolf. You must learn Damon"

Maybe Ava could do that for him he thought, maybe his love for her was enough to keep the wolf tamed.

"You have to find something inside yourself Damon. That is the only way to tame the wolf. I to once had my wolf take over me, and I didn't know how to fight it. I was forced to deal with it for a very long time and when I found my love, I knew that was the only way for me to be happy to gain control over myself again. I cannot tell you how to tame yours; that is for you to figure out, every wolf is different some live as the wolf and lose their humanity and others are able to tame it"

Damon nodded understanding.

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