Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Will's wounds healed leaving no trace of them. He kept looking for a scar to show up but there was nothing. His body was clean and wound free. He looked at himself standing naked in the mirror, tracing his fingers over his torso, it wasn't full of abs but it was still flat. He pulled his shirt over his head and turned walking out of the bathroom. He walked out of the church and though the field. Heading into the trees, he needed to feel something. He craved a feeling, but he didn't want any heart break. So, he went to find something that could give him it. Pain, he wanted pain.

Will walked a long time, going deeper and deeper into the forest.

"Anyone want to take a shot at me?" Will yelled.

Nothing answered, so Will turned left and kept walking through the trees.

Will stopped listening to a song that echoed, it was alluring. It belonged to a woman whose voice sounded like angels. Will started walking towards as if he was being pulled by gravity to it. The song got louder as he drew closer. He could see a woman sitting on a rock, she stopped singing when he was in her view. She was beautiful. Straight long sliver hair, with rainbow streaks. sparkling purple eyes, and pale skin with seductive smile.

Wearing, nothing but a green leaves against her breasts and her genitals.

"Come closer" She said waving only a finger.

Will nodded walked closer to her. She stood up quickly and grabbed his shoulders.

"Such a handsome man" She running a finger along his jaw line.

She smiled at him kissing his cheek.

Will was lost her beauty, he couldn't take his eyes off her, it was like they were frozen.

The woman opened her mouth and inhaled a white sparkly fog from Will's mouth.

"Tasty you are" she said.

Will started to feel weak, his knees started to buckle under him, but the woman held him up. She kept sucking the sparkly fog from Will. It was as if he was frozen, he couldn't move even a finger, his eyes turned blurry.

Will could hear something running behind the woman, but he couldn't make out was it was, a large shape, moving swiftly. The woman let out a pericing scream, as she fell to the ground. Will felt faint, his body dizzy. Unable to hold himself up, he went down.

His vision cleared, beside him could see black hooves stomping at the woman. She tried to sing but the hooves stomped her stomach forcing her stop, her hands hitting at her attacker, before she was let up, she didn't try to sing again, her feet running into the trees. A hand reached down to Will's face he took it being pulled up his feet. It was a centaur; half man half horse. Will had never seen one before. His eyes widened a little. He had brown hair that fell just below his shoulders and a strong face, bold features, his shirtless taros tanned with abs that seemed to stick out from his stomach. The rest of his body was a brown horse with a long black tail.

"She almost got you their mate, you could have been a goner. If I hadn't come when I did, she would have sucked your soul right out of you" The Centaur told Will.

"Yeah, uh thanks"

"Got to be more careful, you never know what kind of trouble you will find in these woods"

Will nodded. "Yeah, I was just looking for-" He paused. "Nothing"

The centaur gave him a confused look. "You don't look so well mate, she must have really sucked the life out of you, good"

Will felt dizzy and weak, his stomach clenched, hurling over, letting loose a nasty chucky liquid, just missing the centaur's hooves. It was a feeling though, not the feeling he wanted but he could feel something.

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