Chapter Nine

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Maria sat on Wills bed admiring the bracelet on her wrist. She thought about how easy this was, Will was so blind.

"You look upset?"

Maria looked up at him and smiled.

"No, I was just thinking"

Will took a seat beside her on the bed.

"What about?"

Maria shrugged.

"Is it your family Ava?"

"Yeah, I miss them. I just can't help but think of them looking for me"

Will put his arm around her, pulling her into him, she leaned her head over his shoulder.

"They are not looking for you. When you left that night with Damon, a cleaner went in and erased you from their minds"

Maria pulled back from him, looking into his face, with the best sad expression she could master.

"What? They don't remember me"

Will shook his head, he kissed her soft cheek, lowering his lips to her chin, and up to her lips. He lowered her down to the pillows, his body over top of her, lips meeting. His hands grazed his hands over breasts, and her hips. Kissing her harder. Even though Will was thoroughly enjoying the moment, Maria thoughts turned to Ava.

She pulled away from him, and put her hand to his mouth.

"I just need to clear my head. My thoughts are racing"

Will rolled over on his side, Maria caressed his cheek.

"I am going to take a walk, I won't go far"

She opened the bedroom door, and made her way down the squeaky steps. He heard the doors, open and then slam shut.

Will sat up, looking outside, Ava walked through the field, running her hands through the grass. The moonlight casting a glow over her. The stars twinkled, brightly.


Will jumped from the sudden voice of the Elementis.

He turned around to face her. Her fizzy red hair, wild and her face sconed with worry.

"Elementis, I didn't hear you come in"

"Yes, well I have come to talk to you"

"Right, what is it?"

"William, be careful who you let into your heart. For it could be someone who you think you know but don't"

"What does that mean?"

"I have been warned, Now I am telling you what I can"

Why must she only talk in riddles, just once Will would like straight answer, to the point instead of filling his head with words to decode on his own.

"My words never lie; I have eyes everywhere"

Will didn't say anything, her words in his head, running though possibilities of what they could mean.

She turned around and left him alone in the room. He went though his door, and took a seat in front of the cross, staring at it, letting his thoughts wonder.

Will and Damon used to sit at this very place with their mother. As a child Will was always so amazed with how the big the cross was. People would whisper behind them, Will would always turn around to look at what everyone was doing, his mother would get mad and tell him to turn and pay attention. Praying was important to his mother, and she encouraged her people to believe in their God Abbas, People worshipped him, and having something to believe in was important.

Chasing DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora