Chapter Twenty-Five

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Will sat in a small stream, washing the blood off his leg, he had been attacked during the night by a goblin. He didn't realize he was close to one of their caves. Even though it was tiny, It had taken a good chunk out of his leg, Will bit his lip as he tied it with a piece of his shirt that he had ripped. The cut strung but he couldn't let it stop him, he was so close now. I have to be close now he thought.

He found the goblin that had bit him, laying on the ground. Dead, he stabbed it one more time with his sword then continued on. He barely even knew where he was but he forced himself to keep going, limping slowly. His leg throbbed and stung, but Will didn't stop. He had nothing to lose, if this was how he died then he didn't care. He kept going as he tried not to put too much pressure on his injured leg.

His leg was the first feeling he had in a long time, the pain made him feel like he was still alive. Pain was the only feeling that couldn't be taken away. Will knew that if that if he could feel right now it be joy, joy that he was still human and still had some feeling in his body. He thought about how Demetria didn't want to take them away, but he had made her. He didn't regret it, how could he? He thought about his brother, how much he hated him before. It's funny how the brain works, it remembers feel at certain points but when feelings have been taken away, there is nothing there to feel it. Will thought about the first time he felt jealous towards Damon.

"Mother it is not fair! Damon got a power and I am just some stupid human" Will cried with tears streaming down his lit face.

Caroline held young Will in his arms.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you are meant to do great things" She whispered kissing his head.

Damon came skipping in the room happily.

"Mommy watch this!" He said with a big smile on his face.

He shifted into a wolf and howled loudly at his mother, showing her what he had learned. Will looked at his brother, he wanted to be able to do it to. He wanted to be like Damon. Damon walked off still in his wolf from. Damon had found out he was a shape shift at the age of eight.

"I am just a stupid human" Will said frustrated.

"You are my sweet boy, honestly my sweet boy I wish Damon wasn't a wolf. Wolfs carry a lot of anger. They have a natural violent side to them, be careful how much you push your brother. The wolf is one the hardest shifter animals to control. The wolf is always control even when he doesn't know it, even when he is human" Caroline sighed and rubbed Will's head cuddling him in her arms. She sang quietly; Will closed his eyes and listened to his mother's sweet singing voice.

Damon ran through the forest in wolf from, he listened to the trees whistle. They were telling secrets again, Damon wondered what the secrets were this time.

"The wolf is the hardest animal to control"

Damon came to a skidding stop.

He growled at the voice.

"I am no threat to you" The voice said.

Damon nervously shifted into human. Waiting for someone to show themselves.

A man stepped out from behind a tree, He had blonde hair slicked back with the sides shaved. He bright blue eyes the stood out against his tanned skin. He was tall and slender.

He took a few steps and stopped when he was close to Damon.

"I am sorry if I startled you, I just saw you running and I said something and I guess it came out louder than I thought"

Damon nodded.

"Name is Raiden Jacobs" he said reaching his hand out.

Damon shook it, "Damon Howell"

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