Chapter Thirty-Six

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Will inhaled deeply, the pain was getting to him. He pulled up his shirt and looked down at the large cut straight across his stomach, one hip to the other hip, it was oozing with blood. He could feel a cut on his forehead, it was a string pain, he touched it his fingers stained with blood. He closed his eyes, hoping he would be able to rest until she got back. He was able to fall asleep even with the pain stabbing his body. He had never felt such pain but he knew that bring back his emotions would be a lot worse than what he was feeling right now.

He wasn't sure how long he had slept for, but he awoke to Demetria's voice.

"Will, come on wake up"

He opened his eyes and looked at her face, she smiled happily down at him. She was very pretty, her long hair falling over her face, brushing his cheek.

"I brought a healer who can help you"

She stepped aside and Will looked at the woman standing next to her. Her long sliver white hair, hanging over a winkled face, she stood tiny and delicate.

"Alright, let's get this done, after the war I have a lot to do"

She kneeled down to Will.

"I am going to need you to remove your clothes, it will make my job easier without them in the way"

Will pulled his black pants down and winced in pain.

"Will stop, here let me help you" Demetria said putting her hands on his hands.

He watched her pull his pants down his legs, then she reached up put her hands on the bottom of his shirt, Will raised his arms she pulled his shirt of his head and off his arms.

She gasped quietly at his naked body laying on her couch, she had never seen him in the nude before. He looked so good, so toned and she had to fight her urge to climb on top of him. She stepped away from him and the healer closed her eyes, holding her hands over Will's body. Will watched as a yellow light glowed from her palms, she moved her hands slowly up and down, from his head to his toes.

"It is done"

"Thank you" Will said, running his hands over his body, there was no pain or wounds.

"Yes, I must be on my way now" she said, she smiled at Demetria.

"Now that your healed, shall we get started?" She asked

Will nodded.

He held out his palms face up, she lay her palms on his. Demetria closed her eyes and whispered words. Her hands glowed red, her skin turned from its pale white to a radiant red glow.

Damon had to get back to Ava, but turning scared him,. Even if he shifted into a crow, the wolf might take over, refusing him to turn into his crow, and if he turned, what if he wasn't able to turn back?

Fear pulsing through him and he wasn't sure he could let himself. He sighed loudly, wondering how he would ever get back to her. Did he really have to leave her? Leave her to realize that he was never coming home. How could he let her live with that, thinking that he had died in battle? She would be all alone, alone in the house he had brought for them, broken hearted and sad that he never came back for her. Damon let out a long scream, angry at himself and broken that he was stuck here without her.

"Damon Howell, you are requested therefore you must come with us, we are under strict rules to bring you unharmed and alive"

Four large men stood in front of him.

"Requested by who?"

"The Queen, her crowing will be tonight"

Damon willing followed the men, after a few minutes they head up the hill to the castle. Damon hadn't been here since his mother had died, he wanted to turn around and run but he pushed himself to keep walking. The men pushed open the doors, leading into the throne room.

Damon gasped when he saw Ava sitting on the throne. She smiled at him and nodded to the men. They left them alone and she got up and stepped towards him.

"Ava what the---"

She pushed her finger to his lips. "Quiet my love, we did it; I will become queen and I want you to be my king"

He pulled her close, holding her tightly to him, the sound of her heart, silent, he put her hand on chest searching for her heartbeat, but it was cold and empty, only meaning one thing. Damon dropped his hands from her, stepping back, leaving inches between them.

"Oh god, please, you can't be dark Ava"

She laughed. "Damon what difference does it make? I am choosing you to rule with me"

"Ava this wrong, you should be ruling for the good, making this place better"

"Damon, I will make it better; we are just on a different side now. Please Damon join me, I love you"

Damon shook his head. "I-Can't. This is wrong"

"I need you, please Damon"

He stepped back, backing away from her. His heart felt like it had broken in half. He wished that he was never at that war, then he could have protected her.

Elizabeth stepped into the room, she smiled at Damon.

"Hello Damon, it is nice to see you again"

He gasped. "You!"

"Yes, me; didn't think about the nice woman who befriended your love would turn her dark did you? No but you are not usually the smart one Damon"

"How did you do it?"

She laughed. "Well, it was easy Damon, but how I did it, doesn't really matter"

Damon felt his anger rising inside him, he could feel the wolf pushing to come out.

He pushed Elizabeth to the wall, inching her up with his strong hand and Ava gasped.

"How did you to do it?" He snapped at her.

"You see Damon, I knew there was a war. I knew you would fight so I waited to make my move and when you left, I took it. I ripped her heart out and I hid it"

He dropped her to the ground and looked at Ava, she was smiling. He couldn't be the king of darkness, no matter how much he wanted to be at her side.

"I am going to be queen Damon, if you don't want to be my king and stand by my side then leave. I will let you leave with your head still attached, because I can't kill you"

Damon snarled, fighting his wolf down, it pushed at him and he wanted to let it out so he could rip Elizabeth to pieces for hurting Ava. But he couldn't let it.

"You don't have to be dark to be queen"

"I will be queen, I have chosen what side I am on, and I see you have to. I thought you loved me more than that. I truly believed you would stay with me because you loved me. I guess I was wrong"

Damon felt like his heart had just been ripped out his chest. He stepped closer to her, putting his warm hand on her cheek.

"I do love you, more than anything. But this wrong, I can't turn to darkness even if that means losing you"

A woman in a red hooded dress walked up and whispered into Ava's ear. Damon recognized her; she was the one who had made him invisible to the witch. She stood up tall beside Ava, lowering her hood. She smiled at Damon.

He turned walking out the doors. He let his wolf out and transformed, he didn't care if it took over him. Ava was his reason for living and now she had been taken from him and turned to darkness.

Will tried so hard not let the tears fall down his face. Pain shocked his whole body, he fought the urge to scream out, tell her to stop. It was too late for her to stop though, stabbing pains surged though his skin, all the way though his organs. His body started to shake but he kept his hands on Demetria's.

His first feeling was how uncomfortable he felt being nude in front of her. He wanted to cover up but there was nothing around him. Then he started to just be happy that he had felt a feeling, they were coming back slowly. Ava crossed his mind and he let out a scream, the pain that he had wanted gone, it was back; he felt like he was being burned alive, the hot fire scorching his skin. Will's screams of pain echoed the room, he couldn't fight the tears anymore they fell down his cheeks; He just wanted to feel normal again, not have pain not feel like his body was being stabbed or burned.

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