Chapter Five

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"A very long time ago, about 900 centuries ago, a man came to Arcadia, I believe his name was Albert Fitch, He was no ordinary man, but no one knew that at the time. He brought immortal beings to Arcadia. Vampires and witches and nature goddess and shapeshifters, and other creatures, with him on his arrival. How he brought all these creatures here, no one really knows. It was just so long ago. The queen at this time was furious, she was outraged at what Albert had done, she hunted him down and locked him away. She ordered guards to capture creatures, she locked them away and put each one to death one by one. But the creatures weren't that easy to find, they blended in with the town people, only a few were found and killed. Albert spent months in prison for what he had done.

After the queen thought all the creatures were destroyed, she let Albert out of the prison and sent him away. After he had left the creatures attacked citizens killing them some forcing them to become creatures as they were and become immortal. As years past, Albert returned but this time with a powerful witch. She casted a spell on the town, her spell was that the king and queen and any destined of them, be cursed with immortality and will live forever and a shield against the kingdom, to remain hidden. But of course, all immortal beings have some way of dying, vampires die from a wooden stake straight into the heart, witches die if you burn them alive and so on. It took years to find out what the queen and any destined could be killed from, but it was a flower that only grows far away on the top of the hills of Arcadia called Goldervain. It is a little yellow flower with white centers and tiny green lines on the petals. It is used to make tea or to kill a royal family. As the members of Arcadia started change and were no longer humans, the queen went mad. She started putting innocent people to death, so the people wouldn't be hurt anymore. She tried to get all the creatures that had being made over the years but she only ended up hurting her own people. She was said to be called Bloody Scarlett. After queen Scarlett had taken it too far; A young boy by the name of Malcolm Davis hiked up the hills of Arcadia in search for the flower Goldervain It was not a simple flower to find, Malcolm hiked for days and camped at night. He was fooled many times by other yellow flowers. Goldervain has a sent to it to it. it smells like salt with a hint of minty smell to it. It is a very powerful flower"

Will stopped and noticed Ava's eyes starting to close.

"Keep going" Ava whispered.

Will smiled. "I think it's time you rest now. Its late"

The corner of her month turned upward a little and she closed her eyes.

Will picked her up in his arms and carried her into the royal bedroom. He pulled the covers over her and rubbed his hand over her forehead.

"I'll continue the story in the morning" He whispered kissing her soft cheek.

She smiled, and closed her eyes.

Ava stood in the castle. A beautiful woman sat on the throne. brown, long hair hangs over a gleaming, radiant face. A crown of white gold with a ray of jewels that shimmered in the light. Dancing brown eyes, She stands ordinary, despite her thin frame. There's something calming about her, perhaps it's her tenderness or perhaps it's simply her beauty.

The dress covers just one of her shoulders, leaves the other uncovered and flows down into a stylish jewel neckline line. Her arms have been covered to only just below her shoulders.

A large belt helps accentuate her waist in a stylish manner.

has a flounder style at the bottom. The dress reaches all the way down to her feet and is the same length all around. Relieving her peep toe red heels, matching her dress.

She smiled at Ava.

"Hello Ava" she said in a sweet voice.

"Am I dreaming?"

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