Chapter Thirty-Two

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Damon stepped into his former home, it felt like forever seen her had seen it. He looked around, remembering the times he and Ava had spent here. The good and the bad. He went back outside and shut the door. He walked through the forest. His mind on nothing but Ava, her laugh, her smile, the way he felt when he was close to her, her warm touch, it was everything. He stopped on the edge of the trees, looking at the church, he took a deep breath and walked towards it. He opened the doors finding Will sitting on the benches.

"Brother?" Damon called.

Will turned around, "Is there something you want?"

Will stood up and looked around Damon's back.

"Where is Ava?" Will asked.

"Somewhere safe. Your feelings, did you bring them back?"

"No, they are still gone. I just excepted her to be with you. Anyway, why are you here? Surely it wasn't just to come check up on me"

"You don't need checking up on, but there is a reason I have come. The war I assume you know about it?"

Will nodded. "How did you find out about it? I heard you were living on the mainland"

"The Elementis, she visited me and told me about it. I am going to fight"

"Well then you will fight with me, we can put our past behind us for our kingdom"

Damon nodded, "I am glad you are willing, brother"

"Yes, brother consider yourself a part of my army" Will smiled.

"When do we fight?"

Will laughed, "Two days from now, I have the gathered troops and the warriors have agreed to assist with amour"

"That is good"

"I will see you at dawn tomorrow"

Damon nodded.

He walked out of the church, his brother wasn't the same anymore, his feelings were what made him who he was. Without them, he wasn't the same Will. He had never felt much for Will other than hate but seeing him the way he was, it killed him inside. This feelingless person, wasn't his brother.

He hit the trees with his hands as he walked.

"Damon" A woman's voice called.

Damon stopped in his tracks, looking around.

A woman approached him. icy extremely long white hair, hanging over a angelic face, pasty pale skin, eyes as white as snow. Dressed in a dirty white dress, hanging loose off her body.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zara, I am a seer"

"How do you know my name?"

"I told you I am a seer, I know all. Your future even"

Damon laughed. "Yeah, enlighten me seer"

"Ava is in danger by you leaving her; therefore, she has no one to protect her, but if you leave to be at her side your brother will die in battle"

"What so you are saying I must choose between my brother and my love"

Zara nodded without a smile.

"Just can't have any peace, can I"?

"You must decide"

Damon sighed.

He loved Ava, he didn't want anything to happen to her, but his own brother. How would he choose? Family over his love. He could save Ava later, the seer said nothing about her dying. Seer's loved talking about death, if Ava was going to die, the seer would have said so, since she only mentioned Will's death, Damon had his mind made up. Fight, save Will and then save Ava.

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