Chapter Six

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"Ava, do you think you would be okay here alone? I just have to go run an errand. I'd bring you with me, but its personal and I need some time. Is that okay Ava?"

Ava walked forward and smiled at Will. "Yes, its fine"

Will smiled back at her and kissed her forehead and turned around and walked down the stairs. Ava picked a book off the nightstand. She had read many of the titles, a collection of Edgar Allan Poe, a collection of tales and poems. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Master of Mystery and Macabre. On the cover a black raven looking out perched on three black and white books. She flipped though the pages, remembering reading many of his work, though out school. Clearly Will was a fan of the book, pages were creased and corners folded over.

Ava carried the book into the main of the church, taking a seat on the benches. The church was quiet. Smelled of musty, dirt filling the floor and cobwebs webbed in the corners. She noticed another door, white curtains drawn to the side with a golden twisted rope, Blue with paint chipping, with a white painted doorknob. She could make out a black sign with white letters printed Pastor, John Piller. Keep out.

She wanted to explore the closed door, but knew better then to try as this was the pastors living quarters and off limits. She returned to the book, reading through each of the poems from the beginning.

The church doors swung open, causing Ava to jump. She put her book on the bench and rose to her feet. A woman entered and smiled at her.

Fire red, curly hair clumsily hangs over a radiant, solicitous face. Wide amber eyes, set charmingly within their sockets, watch rapidly over the sea they've shown mercy on for so long.

Smooth fair skin elegantly compliments her hair in just the right way.

There's something misleading about her, it's a feeling of coldness or her leery motives. On a mission with one track, failing not an option.

Her dress has round neckline, The purple velvety, corset-like tied fabric of her dress covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by a wide ribbon worn fairly low around her waist.

Her sleeves are fairly short and wide at her wrists. She wears purple stilettos on her feet.

"Ava?" The woman asked.

Ava didn't answer, her mind racing with doubt about this strange woman busting though the church doors.

"You must be. My name is Maria Harris"

Ava smiled.

Maria glared at Ava, without a smile. Her eyes dark.

"Well since you won't say anything. I'll just get right to the point then Ava. I need your necklace"

Ava put her fingers over her necklace.

"I can't give it to you"

"Ava, please. It is ever most important"

"I am not giving you my necklace, I can't!"

Maria smiled. "You have one last chance, Give me the necklace Ava!"

"No!" Ava screamed in Maria's face.

Maria smiled slyly and stalked out of the church.

Ava looked out the window, hoping she would see Will walking up to the church, but he was nowhere in sight. Just the fields, yellow with the sun shining. She returned to her book, finishing the poem that she had started before Maria entered.

The church doors shifted open, Ava turned around. "Will?" Ava called with excitement.

"No, Ava darling" The Elementis appeared in the door way. Walking graceful towards Ava.

"Elementis, Will is not here"

"I know, I have come for your necklace, it is not safe for you to have it right now. Someone is after it and if you don't give it to me to protect then we could all be in danger"

Ava shook her head. "But you told me to never take it off no matter what!"

The Elementis smiled and walked close to Ava.

"Yes, I might have told you that, but I need it. It's for the best Ava. So, would you please hand it over?"

Ava reached behind her neck and unclasped the necklace. She handed it over to the Elementis. She held it up and looked at it, she smiled and then glanced at Ava.

"Oh Ava, your just too easy!" She laughed.

Ava watched the Elementis transform into Maria.

Ava's mouth dropped open.

"It really isn't hard to transform; any one I want I can be. Anyone Ava, even you!"

Maria put the quatz necklace around her neck and pushed Ava forcing her to hit her head on the corner of the bench. Maria picked up Ava and slung her over her shoulder and carried her out of the church.

Damon perched on high in the tree, overlooking the church though his beady crow eyes as Maria emerged out of the church carrying Ava over her shoulders, she struggled under Ava weight. Although she managed to get her the edge of the forest. Plopping her body, unconscious against a tree. She untied her ribbon from her dress, wrapping it around ava and the tree, pulling it tightly. She yanked at her sleeve, until it ripped then wrapped it around Ava's mouth and knotting again and again, until it was skintight.

"No one will hear you out here, No one will find you!"

Ava's eyes teared up and water dripped down her cheeks.

"You will die here, goodbye Ava" Maria smiled as she walked away.

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