Chapter Sixteen

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Ava opened her eyes, and looked up at Damon, remembering what Caroline had said. She thought about if her heart belonged to Damon, was it just a feeling? Or did her heart really belong to Will? She knew the whole point of the story Caroline had told her was to tell her she had to choose who she really loved weather it was Damon or Will.

Will woke up against his mother's tombstone. He rubbed his eyes, he rose to his feet and walked out of the graveyard. He took his time, there was no where he wanted to be. Holding Ava in his arms was his only wish but she was out of her reach. His heart ached and his tears slipped down his cold cheeks. Will entered the market, it was filled with people. He had to push his way through. He stopped at the vendor the end, and smiled at a woman whose name was Demetria Love.

Her brown long hair, that reveled a beautiful face, green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. Her figure was slim, despite her large breasts.

her dress flows from top to bottom and has a court neckline, tightly tied fabric of her dress covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by a small cloth belt worn fairly low around her waist. Her sleeves are purposely too long and quite narrow, flowing at her sides.

She smiled back at him. He took a deep breath and approached her. Demetria had the power to take someone's feelings away. Will couldn't handle the feelings he had, and wanted nothing more for them to just go away.

"William, I haven't seen you in ages" Demetria said reaching out to him for a hug.

Will accepted and then stepped back quickly.

He wondered if she could see the pain in his face.

"Is there something I can do for you, or have you just come to see an old friend?" She laughed a little.

"I am sorry to inform you but I have not come to catch up, I simply need your assistance"

"Yes Will, anything for you. What can I do?"

"I need you to take away my emotions so I no longer feel"

Demetria was quiet for a second, then she spoke slowly.

"William, I don't think that is a good idea. I have known you for many years and your emotions are what make you who you are"

"I can't handle this pain! Demetria, please take them away! I know you can, now do it!" Will screamed.

Demetria was taken back from Will's heightened voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I am sure just do it"

Demetria took a deep breath, "Now if you ever want it back then come find me and ill reverse the spell but William are you sure? This is a very big thing, losing all your feelings"

"I get it, I know what I am doing, just do it"

She nodded and reached her hands out palms up.

"Give me your hands Will"

Will placed his hands on hers palms down. Her hands heating up, like fire. They glowed red, she held on to Will's hands tightly.

"Don't let go" she said.

She closed her eyes, her skin turned a glowing red, and burned hot.

She took a deep breath and released her hands. Her skin turning back to her normal color.

"It's done, when you wake tomorrow you won't feel anything. You will be numb"

Will smiled. "Thank you"

Will turned away, leaving her standing there. He remembered as kids when Demetria first learned her power, she had practiced on Will. He knew what the feeling of numbness felt like and the feeling of having all your feelings put back into you after the spell was reversed. It was painful, all the feelings that had been lost come rushing back.

Demetria had told him, stories of people turning their emotions off. Most of them never returning to her to reverse it, not wanting to feel the pain that comes rushing, feeling like thousand currents of electricity surging through your body.

Will knew firsthand what it felt like, she had practiced her power on him when they were children.

"Will, let me try on you" Demetria smiled reaching her palms out him.

Will smiled, his fount tooth still hadn't grown in.

Her hands growing piping hot, as if Will was putting his hands on a hot stove. Her tiny body glowing bright red.

When she let her hands drop, her skin turning back to normal. She smiled, her teeth just starting to come in.

"I will be back tomorrow"

The next morning, she returned, rushing into Will's bedroom. He was just rising from his sleep.

"Well did it work?" She asked

Will nodded, he had no feelings, no love, no sadness, nothing, he felt completely numb.

"Sweet, here I will reverse it"

She put her palms out facing down and will put his over her palms facing up.

Her skin glowing red and her hands hot. So hot they burned Will's hands, he felt like his hands could melt under hers.

Will fell to the ground, screaming. The pain, every loss, every emotion he had ever felt rushing back inside of him. He kept screaming, until Demetria's mother and Caroline burst though the door. Demetria's mother grabbed her by the arms, shaking her angrily.

"Demetria what have I told you about taking away emotions?"

"Momma, I was just practicing"

Caroline picked Will up and rubbed his forehead, rocking back and forth.

"It's too much, you don't understand how it feels. It is painful for people Demetria. Don't ever play with it like it's a game because it's not!"

Demetria nodded. "Yes mother, I understand"

"Madam, I am so very sorry about this. I don't think she understands her power isn't a game" Demetria's mother.

She bent down to her son and kissed his brown hair.

"Will he be alright?" she asked.

"Yes, just takes time for the body to adjust to the emotion again. It will not happen again I assure you"

Caroline nodded and carried her son in her arms. She pulled the covers over him tucking him in warmly into bed and sat beside him.

"There, there love it will be alright"

Will continued to sob, as he looked into his mother's face wishing the pain would stop.

Caroline stayed with him all night, watching over him until his pain had stopped.

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