Chapter Two

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"Madam, I have come to you for advice" Will spoke with confidence.

"Yes Dear, speak to me"

Will examined the Elementis. Red, fizzy hair, falling over bony shoulders. Woeful green eyes, her face slender, lines of age and wisdom appeared over her pale skin. Her figure tall, with a slender frame. Her dress, nothing more than patched pieces of fabric hanging over her body, her bare feet dirty, blacken from the dirt.

"I have come to ask, when the one that is destined will come."

"I have the answer to the question you pounder, for I know all! The one that is destined will not be able to do it on her own. She is in grave danger, but she will see Arcadia though her eyes soon"

Will nodded understanding the woman's words. "Is it my place to save her?"

"I have spoken with the earth, whispered with the trees and shouted to the sun; they can see what is to be. They know before I do. You must find your place with the destined one to be. Now go dear! I must not say anymore"

Will nodded and turned away from the Elementis.

"I must get to her, before she runs right into the danger"

A big black wolf crossed Will's path. "Away with you beast!" He yelled. Flinging his hands.

Knowing this wasn't just any ordinary wolf, but his grave enemy Damon Howell, who stood in wolf form, as tall as four feet.

Will watched unimpressed as Damon transformed into his human from.

Black, short hair slightly reveals a chiseled, warm face. Shining hazel eyes. His exposed warm ivory skin, blackened with dirt. Tall, strong and muscular.

"You're too late" Damon told Will.

"I am never too late; I will get to her and protect her from your harm"

"Protect her; you can never protect her from me. You're powerless against me" Damon answered.

Damon transformed into a huge black crow.

"I will prove you wrong!" Will yelled throwing a rock into the sky, just missing him.

Ava wouldn't let herself fall asleep this time. She wouldn't have that horrible dream again. She laid out front on the grass gazing into sky, dark with the brightly half-moon, city lights below gazing a radiant ray of lights. The world was asleep but the lights of the city didn't die. The air smelled of rain, the icy breeze whispered against her skin.

Ava felt like she was the only one awake. In the distance Ava noticed an abnormally large black crow flying towards her. she sat up trying to get a better look. Ava screamed in fright as the crow snatched her in his large sharp claws, heading towards a green glowing portal hole. Damon flew into it.

Damon dropped Ava into Holy Fields where yellow tall grass blew. The same field from Ava's dreams. Warm air brushed against her skin. Sky blue and bright, the sun high in the sky, clouds scattered.

Damon flew into the forest, landing on the ground, shifting into his human form. He listened to the trees whisper. But couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

"Is it true that you have captured her?" the Elementis asked.

Damon smiled proudly. "Yes, I have she lays in the field just beyond the forest"

"The trees have spoken right again, never have they failed me though. Be careful"

"Nothing shall get in my way madam"

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