Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Ava, we are winning" Elizabeth smiled.

Ava looked over the hill, she could hear the weapons crashing and the screams.

"Soon Ava dark will rule the throne, you will be our queen"

Ava smiled, "Yes all the good will be done for. Who needs good anyway?"

Elizabeth laughed evilly.

"I heard that your boy, his wolf is taking over. You know, I could help him but only if he turns dark then he can be with you"

"I know Damon, he will turn dark"

Elizabeth laughed, smiling.

"It will be over soon, the good will give up. There is not a lot left"

Ava nodded. "So, when they give up, is that it? All good will be dead"

"No, not everyone went to war. There are some that stayed behind, even some of the dark didn't fight. Not everyone fights Ava"

"There numbers on both sides are getting less, it is getting quieter" Ava said quietly.

There wasn't as much screaming, a quietness fell over the battle field. It wouldn't be long now until the war was over, it was dark now, a black blanket of stars fell over the black sky. Ava waited patiently as she watched the numbers die down. There wasn't as many anymore, she couldn't tell if Damon or Will were still down there, she was too far away to see anyone's faces.

"See Ava the dark has won"

Ava smiled feeling pleased. "So, we won then?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, just wait you will see. The remaining good they have no chance left. They can't fight any longer with the numbers they have"

It was then she heard yells of victory, the fighting stopped and a group held there weapons up.

"It is time for us to go down there now stand with the victors"

Elizabeth arched her head for Ava, she stepped in front of her leading Elizabeth down the hill.

Ava treaded with confidence, her long beautiful black and red dress flowing at her feet. She did really love this dress. She felt like a true queen. Ava smiled at her victors and they bowed to her, so did Elizabeth. Ava searched the battle field, looking for Damon. Her heart sank a little, at the thought Damon being dead. She prayed that he had ran, that he was still out there alive. She glared straight at Will; his face full of shock even though she knew he couldn't feel it.

She grabbed Will pulling her closer to her, "Where is he?" she yelled inches from his face.

"Damon, I don't know where he is, to be honest with you I haven't seen him in a while" Will said bravely.

Ava pushed him away. She turned, "Find him and bring him to me, but do not hurt him or kill him!"

"Ava-What happened? You are with---them?" Will stumbled over his words.

"Oh, poor Will, didn't hear? I don't follow the good anymore, so yes I am with them, the dark and so will your brother" She chuckled,

"Ava you can't"

"But you see Will I already have, why it is not like you care? You can't feel right"---She got closer up to his face. "You are empty, an emotionless human who can't handle losing me" She whispered.

She laughed again turning away from him.

Will watched Ava strut off, her dark comrades following behind her. He pushed through the men between him, stepping over the bodies of the dead. So many died and it was for nothing, Will couldn't help but wonder if this war was pointless, the dark had won. As he walked, he unfastened his blood-stained amour and threw it to the ground, along with his sword. This wasn't how it was meant to be; Ava was meant to be good not evil. My brother failed his duties to protect her, he thought.

He marched off the battle field, the market it was empty. No one in sight, no venders, or people. Will took a deep breath and kept going. Until he reached Demetria's house, he banged on the door. It opened and she stood wearing a long blue dress printed with gold leaves.

"Will, what are you doing here?"

He pushed her aside letting himself in. She shut the door.

"I have to help her; I don't know how but Ava she is with the dark"

Demetria gasped. "What? I thought your mother got rid of them ages ago"

Will nodded. "Well, they came back, and took Ava"

"She was with your brother, I thought that he was keeping her safe"

Will laughed. "Yeah, Damon has always been the failure in this family"

She sighed. "What do you want me to do Will?"

Will took a long breath, he turned to look at her.

"I need my emotions back. It is the only way to save this kingdom"

She nodded.

"Are you ready to feel all that pain, and even the pain that you encountered while you had no feelings?"

"No, I am not, but I have to. This kingdom can't go dark. I need to protect my kingdom and this is the only way"

Demetria nodded. "Alright Will, you remember how it felt when we were kids? This will be a lot worse"

Will nodded. He laid down on her cream-colored sofa and closed his eyes.

Demetria looked Will up and down. He was hurt from the battle, she couldn't give him his emotions when he was wounded, it would hurt him more or it could kill him.

"Will, your hurt; I can't do this when your hurt. Bring back your emotions while your wounded could kill you, your body won't be able to handle the pain"

Will sighed. "Yeah, it is about the only thing I feel right and my body hurts like hell"

She nodded. "You need a healer, I can't not do that, but I can find one. You stay here and I will go find someone"

She got him a towel to soak up the blood, and Will applied pressure to his wounds.

Will smiled. "Demetria, I will be here when you get back"

She smiled at him and touched his arm,

"I will be back"

She turned from him and left leaving him all alone.

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