Chapter Eight

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"You took me home!" Ava said excitedly.

"Yes, but I think you should see what happened after you left" Damon said, quietly.

"What do you mean?"

Damon turned Ava around to face him, holding her shoulders tenderly.

"You don't exist anymore. It's like you don't never existed"

"You really don't make any sense Damon"

Ava moved aside him and walked up the path to the door. Filled with excitement to see her aunt Molly again.

Damon grabbed her arm. "You can't just walk in Ava"

Ava laughed and tried to pull out of Damon's hard grip.

"Ava, I wanted to show you, so you understand. Just come with me"

Damon pulled Ava behind him. The curtains in the big front window were open. Ava and Damon looked inside Ava's home. She could see her aunt inside finishing dinner. she looked to happy; Ava couldn't understand.

"Ava, when you left, your history, your life it got erased"

"She didn't want to remember me, did she even look for me?" Ava started to cry harder.

Damon looked at Ava and he felt bad for bring her here.

" When I took you that night everything about you was erased. There is no proof that you ever were born"

Ava eyes filled up with tears.

"I was erased from everyone?"

Damon nodded. Yes.

"When you left, it was all erased. That is how it works"

Damon reached his arms out to Ava, he hated himself for bring her here. Ava accepted Damon's offer and she let him wrap his arms around her. She cried into his chest.

"I don't believe you" Ava finally said.

Damon let go over her and reached his arms to the house.

"Be my guest, go knock on the door" Damon said a little annoyed.

"Fine I will!"

Ava took a deep breath, and gathered her courage.

Damon followed Ava to the doorstep. She looked back at Damon before she rang the doorbell.

"She will remember me" Ava said

Damon shrugged.

The door opened and Aunt Molly stood in the door way, dressed in red five button silk top, with a pink collar, matching draw strings to match. Her bare feet, toes painted in white.

"Hello? May I help you?" Molly asked, looking at them confused.

Ava felt her heart being sliced in half. She couldn't make any words come out; she could only look at Molly blankly.

"I am sorry miss; I think we have the wrong house. Sorry to disturb you" Damon said, taking Ava's hand in his and starting to pull her away.

"Oh, that's alright, have a nice night" She smiled.

Damon turned into a crow when no one was looking and scooped Ava up in his claws and flew back to Arcadia.

Damon opened Ava's room, she laid on bed looking out the window. Her face blank and her eyes full of heartbreak and sorrow.

"Ava? You should come out of here, it's being days" Damon said.

He knew he would get no answer; she hadn't said anything since they arrived back.

Chasing DestinyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora