Chapter Four

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Will and Ava entered the old castle, the doors creaked as they opened. Will lit a candle that was nailed to the wall and turned on the lights that lit up the huge throne room.

Ava couldn't believe what she was seeing, it was the most beautiful room she had ever seen.

Lustrous braziers hanging from each of the sixteen basalt columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a warm radiance. The gem on the ceiling dance in the flickering light while marble icons look down upon the floor.

A violet rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the throne while forked banners with tapestries cover parts of the walls. Between each banner stands a large candlestick, none but a few have been lit and in.

High, colored glass windows are edged by drapes colored the same violet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and gilded linings.

A grand throne of silver sits within a pagoda of sorts within this hall and is adjoined by two equally lavish seats for visiting dignitaries.

The throne of jade sits in front of a giant painting of the kingdom and fixed on each of the rear legs is a diamond moon. The comfortable pillows are a dark violet and these too have been adorned with golden needlework.

"I think you should give me a tour, Will"

Ava smiled and linked her arm with his.

"I could do that, but then we must talk"


Handed in handed they toured the castle, each room beautiful in its own way.

"The royal room my lady" Will said in a fancy accent.

Ava's month dropped open; she had never seen a bedroom so wonderful. It was beautiful with walls of gold and a bed with a golden-brown cover with gold bedposts and a cream-colored canopy. The window faced the forest and the hills beyond it. Ava could see the sun setting, the sky filling with colors of pink and oranges. There was a big mirror over a fireplace against the wall at facing the bed. The floor was carpeted with gold carpet with red flowers and other shapes decorating it.

"I have never seen a room so beautiful" Ava exclaimed excitedly.

Will smiled, glad that she was pleased.

The royal bathroom was breath taking, just as the bedroom. The sinks and the huge bath tub was made of gold and the mirrors lined in gold accents, the counters were a beautiful white marble.

"Last room I will show you is the king and queens personal sitting room, back down the stairs my lady" Will smiled at Ava as she walked by him. She smiled back.

They entered the sitting room. A white fluffy rug runs in between, two ivory white sofa's have been adorned with embellished edges, gold adorned with fine patterns and impressive needlework pillows, set perfectly in the centers. Tall, windows are edged by draperies colored ivory white, the same white as the sofas. The curtains have been adorned with decorated tips and intricate embroidery. A grand fireplace, that was not lit. With a gold embellished edging that hung above on the cream white walls.

"Have a seat" Will told Ava

Ava obeyed and sat down on one of the sofas. Will sat across from Ava and leaned forward and clasped his hands together.

"I think it's time I tell you why you have come here Ava. What makes you as special as you are"

Ava looked into Wills eyes ready and eager to hear what he was about to say.

"To make this easier to understand, I'll start at the very begin. Just sit back and relax and listen to every word I say"

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